Live from NAPE 2025, The Crude Truth welcomes Massiel Diez and Jamie Elrod of Flipping the Barrel, a podcast transforming the narrative of women in oil and gas. In this inspiring episode, they discuss building a thriving community, expanding their events, and breaking industry barriers. From starting their podcast on a whim to hosting sold-out conferences, Massiel and Jamie share their journey, the power of taking action, and the importance of mentorship. They also discuss the future of energy and how their platform is shaping the next generation of leaders. Don’t miss this conversation about leadership, resilience, and changing the industry one episode at a time!
Highlights of the Podcast
00:01 – Introduction
02:02 – Building Flipping the Barrel
04:05 – Impact & Growth
07:02 – Women in Oil & Gas
09:25 – Personal Stories & Podcast Origins
14:19 – Industry Trends & Future Outlook
18:52 – New Projects & Expanding the Brand
24:48 – Closing & Upcoming Events
Please reach out to Massiel Diez on Linkedin

Please reach out to Jamie Elrod on Linkedin

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The Crude Truth Ep. 120 Massiel Diez and Jamie Elrod Live at the NAPE Expo 2025
Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.
Rey TreviƱo [00:00:00] Live at Nape. Two historic women join The Crude Truth on this episode of The Crude Truth.
Narrator [00:00:06] In 1901, at Spindletop Hill near Beaumont. The future of Texas changed dramatically. As, like a fountain of fortune, thousands of barrels of oil burst from the earth towards the sky. Soon, Detroit would be cranking out Model TS by the millions. And America was on the move. Thanks to the black gold being produced in Texas, now, more than a century later, the vehicles are different, but nothing else has truly changed. Sure, there may be many other alternative energy sources like wind and solar and electric. But let’s be honest. America depends on oil and entrepreneurs. And if the USA is truly going to be independent, it has to know the crude truth.
Narrator [00:00:50] This episode is brought to you by LFS chemistry. We are committed to being good stewards of the environment. We are providing the tools so you can be to Nape Expo where deals happen. Air compressor solutions when everything is on the line. Air Compressor Solutions is the dependable choice to keep commercial business powered up. Sandstone Group exec crew. Elevate your network. Elevate your knowledge Texas Star Alliance Pecos country operating. Fueling our future.
Rey TreviƱo [00:01:24] Hello again. And here we are back live at Nape 2025. And as you can already see, I have two women that are with me today that I just cannot thank enough. Massiel Diez and Jamie Elrod, ladies Flipping the Barrel is here on The Crude Truth. Ladies, how are y’all doing?
Jamie Elrod [00:01:41] We are doing great. It’s such a pleasure to be here. And thank you again for inviting us. Very overdue. We’ve been waiting for that invite, but no, we’re very happy to be here. Thank you.
Rey TreviƱo [00:01:50] Know you all too. I’m excited to have y’all here. Thank you all so much because y’all are so busy right now. I mean, let’s just dive into what y’all have been up to before we get into what everybody already knows about y’all.
Massiel Diez [00:02:02] So I guess a quick rundown of what we’ve been doing for the last five years.
Rey TreviƱo [00:02:05] Yes.
Massiel Diez [00:02:06] Since we started, the podcast is really building a community, focusing on highlighting a positive movement to the oil and gas industry and really just helping each other out, because as we’re going through our careers, no matter where you’re working, no matter what side of the industry you’re in, you all need support. And you that’s the best way to get through a career and just through a journey in any industry. And so that’s really what we’re trying to do here.
Jamie Elrod [00:02:26] Yeah. So when we started in 2019, that was our first feeling into podcast. We’ve never done one till then. And then about two years later we started doing the events because like with Martell said, it was for our community. We built. So many people online, have been listening to us that we wanted everybody to get together. And so now we have two annual events moving to three annual events a year, and that is hosted by up in the barrel, brought to you by flipping the barrel. And we curated it for our community, so we love hearing from them on what they want to hear, who they want to see at these events. So it’s been really exciting. And our next event actually is coming up really soon. Yes, it’s March 20th called Pursuing Greatness, and so we’re gearing up for that as well.
Rey TreviƱo [00:03:04] Now, if I’m correct, y’all had a big women’s event a several months ago, like a few months ago. I think if I’m just kind of follow on social media, before you had your newest baby, you know, it was like 500 people there, something like that.
Massiel Diez [00:03:17] So through flip in the barrel, we’ve both had babies in between trying to juggle everything. So we’ve been through two maternity one and yeah, literally before almost every event, we’re both pregnant and we still have to make sure everything gets done. We’re always trying to make it where you’re not delivering a baby while the event is on, because I would suck. But the timing has been on our side. And yeah, I think Jamie had a baby like two months before the event, so that was good.
Rey TreviƱo [00:03:46] Which would have been was that just cool? Because like you said, it was huge.
Massiel Diez [00:03:49] So the two the Jamie mentioned are we host about 500 people pursuing greatness is our women’s event. Every single like Q1 at the beginning of the year. This year is March 20th. And then the one called representation matters. That’s men and women that’s always in the fall. That’s all I was all year. Same thing.
Rey TreviƱo [00:04:05] And you heard it here in Houston, if I’m correct, at a real swanky. So it’s like almost a hidden gem, this country club.
Jamie Elrod [00:04:12] Oh, yeah. Lakeside country club.
Rey TreviƱo [00:04:13] Yes.
Jamie Elrod [00:04:14] Shout out to Brandon, who helps us with that. But yes, it’s at Lakeside Country Club. We started that about two years ago when our events grew to the max capacity of the Petroleum Club, which was 250 people. We outgrew that space. And so we were on the hunt for something new. And we have settled in the Lake Country Club and we love it.
Rey TreviƱo [00:04:32] You know, let’s talk about that for a second. When you outgrew a 250 person space girls, ladies, how did how did that make y’all feel? And what was your thinking at that time?
Massiel Diez [00:04:43] So that’s a great story. When we actually first launched our very first event, we didn’t know how to put on events. We’ve never done it. And I was at Jamie’s house on a Sunday. Both of our babies. Mine was six months old, hers was 12 months. And we said, hey, we’re going to do an event. Let’s post it on LinkedIn. Let’s take a picture right now and just tell the world that we’re going to do this thing with no plan. We didn’t have a venue. We didn’t have speakers. I mean, nothing we had. We just did it. And that was like a way for us to be accountable of, we’re going to do this. Let’s tell all of LinkedIn, and then we’re going to have to do it because then it’s going to suck if we don’t. And then it just it just kind of trickled and we make it happen. And you know, a lot of people always ask Jamie and I, how do you guys do it? You know, how do I start a podcast? How do I. And we always go do it. Do it. It’s literally just take action on those things you want to do and you can make it happen.
Rey TreviƱo [00:05:31] Yeah. No, I love how like, y’all thought about it and did something. They say that if you do part of something in the first 24 hours, that you think of an idea that it can come through tuition.
Massiel Diez [00:05:43] But a lot of people sit on the ideas for ever and they’re like, oh, I had this idea to, okay, what did you do with the idea? Nothing.
Jamie Elrod [00:05:49] And I literally remember when Marshall sat there and looked at me, he was like, we got to take a photo and we’ve got to post it. And I’m like, sweating because I’m like, how are we going to get even, like 100 women to like come like, you know, and you’re just sitting there at the computer waiting for people to buy tickets and just pray that you’re like, not a failure. So it definitely and everybody feels that. And I think a lot of times people see us from the outside and think, oh, you know, they must have some like special luck or I don’t know,.
Massiel Diez [00:06:12] They all stressed out about this March 20th where we’re like, oh my gosh, we’re not going to sell out. Nobody’s going to come. So that never goes away. Yeah. There was there’s always this what if it doesn’t work attitude. But you still have to kind of keep pushing. But to your point on the what happened when we exceeded the 250, we planned for like 50 women to show up that day. We were like, if 50 people show up like, this is success. And as we saw the tickets coming in and, and, and then we had to call the Petroleum Club and say, hey, can you extend it to 100? Yes. Can you extend to 150? Can you extend it? And we got to 251, like we said. And no, we were like, whoa. So we didn’t we didn’t know. We were scared that we would even get anybody to sign up. But we tried it and it worked out.
Jamie Elrod [00:06:50] And what’s fun is the Petroleum Club. So that was the first time they’ve ever had that many women in the club. And we took both of the bathrooms and that was like not allowed apparently. But you know, you got to do what you got to do.
Rey TreviƱo [00:07:02] Wow. And, you know, you guys have been an inspiration to women out there because y’all have careers. Okay. Podcasting. You know, I joke and I tell people, oh, a podcast is something that I love to do. It’s been, you know, great networking and things like that. But hey, I got to go out to the field. I got to do things. And so for you too, y’all have been literally an inspiration to women all over. I mean, again, with y’all’s empower many women and taking over the petroleum. So let’s just talk about that for a second. What a historic event. Because, look, the oil and gas industry is all. It’s always been men dominated, right? You know I just had on and Bradberry, who’s the president of the American Exploration and Production Council, had you know, being interviewed right now is Rachel Collins, who’s the CEO of a W energy, a large energy software company. Y’all take all taken over and it is just awesome to see you two again. I think I already said it once. They have the number one oil and gas.
Massiel Diez [00:07:59] here.
Rey TreviƱo [00:07:59] Okay. And that’s the Crude Truth. And because people want to know what y’all are up to. I’m trying to get on that Instagram game. I’m terrible at that. You guys just y’all are doing this, and y’all are inviting people not only into y’all’s careers and getting more women excited about the oil and gas industry, but you are inviting people into your lives as well. And I mean, I just wow. And with everything y’all are doing, I can’t think I’m gushing. I’m sorry.
Jamie Elrod [00:08:27] Yeah, I love it. No, we what we really try to do is be authentic. And so Marshall, through her posts on social media, through her videos that she does myself with my post, especially like regarding my children as well, to show that, you know, you can’t have kids and you can’t do this and also show that it is difficult. Like, I have shared moments on social media where it’s very hard so that people don’t only see what I post and think like, oh, she must have it all together. Oh, like I’m failing at being a mom or I’m failing at my career and that’s totally not fair. Like, we do not have it together. So we like to really share that from the career perspective, from the family life perspective. That way, Like people can see that. Like we’re just human too. We’re just out here trying to make it work as well. And we just want we want more people to think of the industry in a positive light and know that there’s companies out there, too, that will support you and and those transitions in your career. And so that’s what we really try to showcase and do through our social media platforms.
Rey TreviƱo [00:09:19] Now Massiel, your husband is Canadian. Is that correct? Are you Canadian? I’m confused.
Massiel Diez [00:09:25] Very complicated. Question.
Rey TreviƱo [00:09:26] And okay,.
Massiel Diez [00:09:28] I’m still trying to figure it out no matter which nationality I say I get in trouble over it. So I was born in Colombia, but at the age of four I moved to Canada.
Rey TreviƱo [00:09:37] Okay.
Massiel Diez [00:09:37] So when I said you.
Rey TreviƱo [00:09:38] Do that, yeah.
Massiel Diez [00:09:39] They’re like, well, no you’re not, you’re Canadian because you spend your whole life in Canada and you have a Canadian passport. But then when I say I’m Canadian and they get talking to me, they’re like, yeah, but like, where are you really from? And I’m like, well, Colombia. And they’re like, well, why didn’t you say Colombia from the beginning? So I don’t know. Yeah. I’m both.
Rey TreviƱo [00:09:53] Jes. And then Jamie, are you originally from the Houston area yourself or. No.
Jamie Elrod [00:09:58] Yes. I’m originally from the Houston area, born and raised in Magnolia, Texas, which now I feel like everybody knows where that’s at. But when I was there, they didn’t.
Rey TreviƱo [00:10:06] But it has blown up in the last 10 to 12 years. Oh my gosh.
Jamie Elrod [00:10:10] Very much so.
Rey TreviƱo [00:10:11] You know, for people out there that don’t know, you know, what is your story like? I like you said, you know, you said, hey let’s do you do the show or let’s do a podcast, you know, where did y’all two connect? Because I don’t know. It’s like, oh yeah, I’m sure you have told it into your listeners out there. I’m sorry. I need to know.
Massiel Diez [00:10:27] Not listening to the podcast,.
Rey TreviƱo [00:10:29] So tell me,.
Jamie Elrod [00:10:29] Okay. Yeah, I’ll take it. So it’s pretty funny story, but I’ll make it short because it it started all on social media. So my husband of all people was following Marshall on Instagram. Okay, I did at this time I did not know Marshall existed, so I was not aware of her social media. And so my husband commented on one of her posts because she was at a place where him and I eat all the time, and so when she saw him like post on her DM, she was like, oh, this is a very like odd message. She’s like, he wrote me and said, oh, I know that salad. It’s from this restaurant.
Rey TreviƱo [00:11:02] Oh, okay.
Massiel Diez [00:11:03] Okay. Yeah. And then right after he said you need to meet my wife. And I just thought, what a weird message from a guy. That’s not the kind of messages I get on Instagram.
Rey TreviƱo [00:11:10] Okay.
Massiel Diez [00:11:11] Caught my Attention.
Jamie Elrod [00:11:11] Yeah. And so then she was intrigued and was like, okay, tell me more. And then my husband proceeded to call me and say, hey, you need to meet this girl. And of course, I’m like, how did you meet her? Well, on Instagram. And so you can only imagine what took place at that moment. And then, lo and behold, we met at Bella Green because that was one of our favorite places to eat. Okay. And her and I just hit it off immediately. Three hour conversation. We felt like we knew each other for like, years. We had so many things in common. A lot of it resonated in between, like our careers in oil and gas. Right? How we felt that we didn’t feel all the negativity that, like a lot of women or a lot of the outside world feels. So we connected very deeply on that because for us, all men have been our mentors, men have promoted us, men have been there for us. And we were like, what can we do to like, change the image of the industry and also give women an opportunity to come in and know that this is a place for them? Yeah. And so about three months later, I invited him over to to our house, her and her husband Tim. And then it was Jason and I. No kids at this point.
Rey TreviƱo [00:12:08] Wow.
Jamie Elrod [00:12:08] And we were like, well, what can we do? And so started brainstorming in about 15 minutes and we were like, let’s do a podcast. Wow. Like to talk? Yeah. Both of our husbands were just staring at us talk and like, you know, just about different topics about the industry and women. And they’re like, you guys should just start a podcast cause you like to talk. Yeah, exactly.
Massiel Diez [00:12:27] And they probably were like, we’re like, goes do a podcast. We don’t have to listen to them.
Rey TreviƱo [00:12:30] Yes.
Jamie Elrod [00:12:31] And so that was how it was born.
Rey TreviƱo [00:12:33] Wow. Okay. Yeah. No, I.
Massiel Diez [00:12:34] Thought we were friends for years.
Rey TreviƱo [00:12:37] I will see you right now. Yeah.
Massiel Diez [00:12:39] I mean, together, they grew up together. We never met. Yeah. We met. Three months later, we started the podcast. And it’s been the friendship. Here is the podcast. And we opened the LLC together. We went to a bank together. And like we shared, barely. I don’t even know what your birthday was. Yeah. Yeah, I got together. Yeah. And it’s been like a wonderful marriage ever since, you know.
Rey TreviƱo [00:12:59] Holy cow. And all over salad.
Jamie Elrod [00:13:02] All over a salad. We still love our salads.
Massiel Diez [00:13:05] Go there.
Rey TreviƱo [00:13:06] well, you know, first of all, I’m glad you brought it up because I’m talking about, you know, where the women at in this industry, first of all. Absolutely. Y’all bring a softer side of this. But job both have been out in the field. I mean so let’s not you know you do our rough and tough and you know it’s hard to bluff as I say right. Because y’all are in this industry. But where are the women like you guys that are building up the other women like you said? Hey, there was no whatever. Like, hey, oh my God, let’s be successful. You be successful. And I think that is something else that you too are doing, that you’re doing it for women. Again, empowering women. That is what y’all are doing. I think that is so awesome.
Jamie Elrod [00:13:39] We’re very big into women supporting women because at the end of the day, for us, it’s never been the men that haven’t supported us. So we try to really showcase through our podcast and through the stories of those that we bring on, plus our own journeys on how important it is for other women to lift each other up because we’re all in this together. And so that is really a big thing of like what we try to do with our community and through our events, like pursuing greatness.
Rey TreviƱo [00:14:01] You know, I got to ask you all this, and I want to kind of dive into some things going on around the world and here in America. And first, I’ll start with Nate. Y’all were y’all were here last year, if I’m correct. You know, your feel something different this year between last year and this year. Just the energy or, you know, anything like that. What are you what are y’all feeling this year at Nape.
Massiel Diez [00:14:19] I think there’s a lot more excitement on the industry. And I think it’s there’s a lot of like, proud American only guys we’re kind of moving away from like trying to say we’re not oil and gas and we’re energy, but let’s call it what we are. We’re oil and gas. And I feel like we’ve always been proud of that. But I feel like now things are turning a little bit and it’s like, let’s drill more. We need power. We need energy for the world. And so I think the mindsets are slowly starting to change because of realize how important this industry is, especially through Covid, through the downturn and through like the, you know, American with energy security, I think more and more people are realizing just how important this industry is,.
Jamie Elrod [00:14:55] Yeah, I have to agree with Maceo. It’s a very much pro oil and gas and pro being proud. And finally, again, we can, like, wave our flag and say, hey, we’re here. We’re not going anywhere. And you can really feel that here today at Nape
Rey TreviƱo [00:15:08] You know, you mentioned Covid just now and you all started in 2019. You know, it’s usually the thing they say like you know, a company if they can last two years right then they’ve got it all. Last year through Covid it just blew up. So I just want to say that
Massiel Diez [00:15:21] Well I think Covid too was kind of like a blessing and a curse in a way, because people were now online. All of a sudden people cared about wasting their time online. And that’s YouTube, that’s LinkedIn. I mean, I feel like any platform kicked off things like podcasts kicked off, YouTube kicked off. So I think for us, it was a perfect moment for people to focus on podcasts like flip in the barrel.
Jamie Elrod [00:15:42] Exactly.
Rey TreviƱo [00:15:43] You know, as you guys have been interviewing, have got phenomenal guests on first of all. But as I’ve been talking all these people, what what do you kind of see in a common trend now that President Trump’s in office and what you guys are seeing probably over the next, you know, 2 to 4 years here as as we go through this ministration, what are your what are your guests saying? You know, kind of a common theme.
Jamie Elrod [00:16:01] Basically that if you’re a new generation, a young gen coming in like this is the place for you. And we kind of mentioned it before, like we’re not going anywhere. Oil and gas isn’t going anywhere. There’s a lot of opportunity still here today in the oil and gas sector. And you hear that a lot from every guest that comes on, especially the CEOs. You know, they really talk about that next generation coming in and trying to ensure that, you know, they have a place here. They have a succession plan because that’s one thing that’s very important with the younger Gen is to know, like, where can I go next? Yeah, I mean, I also know that this industry is going to be here for life, so you don’t have to worry about that.
Rey TreviƱo [00:16:33] Yeah. You know, you talk about the next generation. You know, y’all really do very well about promoting the next generation, getting them excited about oil and gas. I mean, in just the energy sector, you know, two years ago, you look at numbers of colleges.
Massiel Diez [00:16:47] Where people do get a petroleum engineering.
Rey TreviƱo [00:16:49] Yes, ma’am.
Massiel Diez [00:16:49] No one wanted to come into the industry. But like Jamie said, I think people are starting to realize like, hey, this isn’t a bad industry. I want to be here. And I think one thing that we haven’t done well is promote ourselves as an industry on how heavily on technology we are and how awesome the tools and the rigs that we have and the softwares that we’re really using in the industry. I always kind of equate it to like Nassau in a way where it’s like we can like, well, think about how much how hard drilling is through deep water, the pressures, the temperatures, the tools that need to get through like the bids. Even when you think of fracking and.
Jamie Elrod [00:17:26] How far down the like you’re going miles and miles underground and you’re able to send a signal like how in the world? And so what we want to do is have in the barrel, especially this year, is really showcase the technology. We are really focused on, like doing technology driven panels, talk about women in tech and not just women in their careers, but like what the women are doing to change the technology that we use today because it’s so important. And like Michael said, like we are like the NASA of the world, that people just don’t see us in that way.
Massiel Diez [00:17:56] People don’t see us as exciting, let’s say, or at least the younger people did it. But when you really think about what we do every day. It’s pretty cool. It’s literally like going to Mars every day with the amount of stuff that need to happen and go well and go, well.
Rey TreviƱo [00:18:09] You know, y’all, I like what y’all are saying. We, you know, our background is actually in software. That’s that’s what my father did in the 80s and 90s. And he wrote custom software for several of the larger families in Fort Worth for like the accounting departments. And the personal computer came into life in the late 70s, early 80s. And by 83, 84, the oil and gas industry, like they’ve always been at the at the head of technology, they’re always at the head. So I like that we’re the NASA. I like that statement a lot. Holy cow. And thank you for being of what you all are up to this year. You know, what are y’all excited about? You know, who are some of these hard hitting people that you’re bringing on in? And let’s talk about jobs a bit and one more time to let people know about what you’ve got going on.
Massiel Diez [00:18:52] So we have a lot of guests coming on the podcast, as everybody knows, just the type of guest that we have on, because we do get asked a lot who can come on the podcast. So we’ve made it where it’s kind of a niche of C-suite executives, presidents, vice presidents, director, level of companies. Because the whole point of the podcast from the start, was to be able to see everybody’s story from where they were born to all the challenges, the ups and downs that it takes to get to where you are today, which is the top of a company running billions of dollars or leading thousands of people. That’s what was exciting to us at the start. And so it’s like, those are the kind of people that we want to have on the podcast, and we have a lineup of amazing people. And now I feel like every time I thought the pipeline is dry, it’s like, whoa, there’s this person, this person. There’s always so many great people that we just didn’t know were there and that have amazing stories. I just recently spoke with the CEO of Precision Drilling and Phenomenal Guy. I’m really his podcast is going to be really incredible. He had some very great advice and then just also really shared like about his journey and how he got to where he is, because what we see a lot of is people see a CEO, they see an executive and they’re like, wow, they’ve had it. So like you automatically assume they’ve had life so easy. Yeah. And we’re here to debunk all of that because every single guest did not have it easy. So it’s really great to share their stories and to share that that part of their journey.
Rey TreviƱo [00:20:10] You know, we kind of mentioned the Instagram and things like that. And I’ve just gotten all that. I’m I’m terrible at it compared to YouTube. And I saw some stuff. So I don’t know if it’s due or not. But over the last couple of weeks, I’ve seen some where y’all were going out and just talking to people about oil and gas and hey.
Jamie Elrod [00:20:25] Our mini Mike series.
Rey TreviƱo [00:20:27] Yes, mini Mike series. And that’s got to be fun.
Jamie Elrod [00:20:30] We love it. We’re going to make some more content soon. It’s a lot of fun. Nerve racking. Nerve racking. Yeah, because we’re, like, randomly going up to strangers and a lot of them.
Massiel Diez [00:20:39] React that nice to it. Yeah. They’re like, you know, people are just like, who are you? Why are you here? Why are you filming me? Right. So. Yeah. Good. Good thing is we’re both really good salespeople. Yeah. So we’re we’re like, yeah, come in and get them to do the video. But some people just shut us down. Yeah, but it’s been.
Jamie Elrod [00:20:54] More to come with that. And we’re actively looking for somebody to help us with that. As far as a sponsor, somebody who wants to help us produce that content. But either way, we’re going to be out there doing it, and we just think it’s really needed in the industry.
Rey TreviƱo [00:21:05] Well, you talk about content. I think you have done some other real fun stuff of like, of course I’m in oil and gas and you all do these things, so.
Jamie Elrod [00:21:11] Oh yeah, that’s a good one.
Rey TreviƱo [00:21:12] If you if you happen to see a few things out there that I’m doing, I might have got them from them because y’all do again, y’all are doing great things out there to promote the industry and the positivity. And we need to change the narrative that, hey, we are all humans. We all do care about the environment, and we’re not just in it for each for ourselves. It’s like, hey, it is a positive place in a positive community. You know, for those out there that don’t know who you are, you know, how can I get in contact with flip in the barrel or, you know, what is a good way to reach out to you guys and how can they follow?
Jamie Elrod [00:21:43] Yeah, no, it’s very easy. So our websites www dot flipping the on LinkedIn. It’s Flipping The Barrel on Instagram. It’s Flipping the Barrel. Our email is still flipping the barrel @ I know Gmail but we’ve had. So we’ve had it for so long which I get rid of it. And so literally you can find us on every platform Spotify, Apple Podcasts and YouTube. Flipping the barrel.
Rey TreviƱo [00:22:06] Oh my God.
Massiel Diez [00:22:07] I do want to add one very exciting thing that we’re launching.
Rey TreviƱo [00:22:10] Oh okay.
Massiel Diez [00:22:11] So it’s called Masada Barrel and it’s flipping the barrel in Spanish. We have two phenomenal hosts, two ladies who are in Latin America. Okay. And it’s going to follow very similar path to flip in the barrel, but all in Spanish for Spanish speaking community of oil and gas.
Rey TreviƱo [00:22:28] That is a.
Massiel Diez [00:22:29] Silly idea.
Rey TreviƱo [00:22:30] I mean, the person.
Massiel Diez [00:22:31] We launched it here first.
Jamie Elrod [00:22:32] Yeah, yeah. It’s live.
Rey TreviƱo [00:22:34] It’s going okay, I get it, I got it. That is exciting because the Latin community is.
Massiel Diez [00:22:39] There’s there’s so much oil down there too. Yes. They don’t have their own thing. Yeah. They always listen to our stuff. And when the idea came up, I was like, yes, because Latin America is like a cult and I want to be in it.
Rey TreviƱo [00:22:51] There’s no such thing. I don’t know what you’re talking. Colombia’s beautiful this time of year.
Jamie Elrod [00:22:54] Yeah, yeah, I mean.
Rey TreviƱo [00:22:55] Yes, it’s all nothing but nice people. So I don’t know what you’re talking about, but yeah, it is awesome how that is freaking genius. I mean. Now I’m going to ask you a question and I’m going to do it here. And as if, you know, you know, part of what you all do, too.
Massiel Diez [00:23:09] Yes.
Rey TreviƱo [00:23:09] Okay.
Massiel Diez [00:23:09] I forgot.
Rey TreviƱo [00:23:10] That’s the G. That’s the jazzy stuff. Okay. That’s okay. Yes. If you know, you know.
Massiel Diez [00:23:15] Energy. If you know, you know.
Rey TreviƱo [00:23:15] Yes.
Massiel Diez [00:23:16] We started it last year. Yes. And it was a focus for the Gen Zers of Gen Z interviewing Gen Z. Because our podcast is C-suite, right? And we felt like there was something missing because we were getting feedback from the younger generation saying like, okay, it’s cool to listen to somebody who made it 30 years ago, a thing like they started in such a different world. It’s not applicable to us. So we felt like, okay, let’s bring it a little bit lower, where it’s more relatable to them with somebody that’s only five years ahead of them versus 30 years ahead of them. That was the whole point of it. Yeah.
Jamie Elrod [00:23:48] So we still have it, and we just are going into our next round of episodes for it. Actively looking to for another host because we like to do seasons with it. So if you’re interested in energy, if you know, you know, reach out to us. We’d love to have a new host. New opportunity is available there.
Rey TreviƱo [00:24:03] Wow, ladies, y’all are just awesome. And y’all have taken flipping the barrel.
Jamie Elrod [00:24:09] We flipped the barrels.
Rey TreviƱo [00:24:11] Yeah, literally. And it’s y’all. I mean, there’s all the way international, you know Mrs. Worldwide’s over here. Yeah. And I just again, I cannot thank y’all enough for the time. And I hope that we can do this again and again.
Massiel Diez [00:24:24] Studio up in Dallas.
Rey TreviƱo [00:24:25] Yeah. Please do I have I would love y’all have some little group called Midnight Marketing that I’ve heard about and they do phenomenal work. I’d love to host all of y’all there some time. And I think that would be really fun. And we should do like an event there.
Jamie Elrod [00:24:40] Hey. Speaking into existence. let’s talk about it.
Rey TreviƱo [00:24:42] Oh, that would be real fun. That would be real fun. Well, again, for those out there, when is your next big event?
Jamie Elrod [00:24:48] March. March 20th at Lakeside Country Club, bringing host up to 400 women. So come on, check us out. We’d love to have you there.
Rey TreviƱo [00:24:56] Okay. All right, well, ladies out again. Thank you. I don’t know if I’ve said it enough. Thank you all so much for doing this, Massiel Diez, Jamie Elrod. Flipping the barrel. Live here at the Nape for 2025. Thank you, as always, all our listeners, and we’ll see you again on another episode of The Crude Truth.
Narrator [00:25:13] Again, The Crude Truth would like to thank today’s sponsors LFS Chemistry, Nape Expo, Air Compressor Solutions, Sandstone Group, Exec Crue, Texas Star Alliance, Pecos Country Operating, and Real News Communication Network.
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