THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 65 Chairman Christi Craddick, Railroad Commission of Texas

by Rey Trevino  - March 3, 2024

THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep 65 Chairman Christi Craddick, Railroad Commission of Texas

It is election season and Chairman Christi Craddick, of the Railroad Commission of Texas stops by THE CRUDE TRUTH studio in Austin, TX to talk about why she should be re-elected for another term. She discusses why Texas Oil and gas is important to National Security. We also tackle important issues like the ban on LNG that the current administration has placed. Also we talk about a current issue in Texas regarding Crane County, Texas. This is an episode you do not want to miss.

Highlights of the Podcast

03:18 ā€“ About LNG
04:16 ā€“ National security issue
06:41 ā€“ Talks about jobs
04:52 ā€“ Three LNG terminals in Texas
07:27 ā€“ Carbon capture and carbon credits
11:42 ā€“ The oil and gas industry
13:00 ā€“ The Railroad Commission
14:44 ā€“ Abandoned wells
17:27 ā€“ Whatā€™s going on out in CraneĀ  County
19:24 ā€“ Issues about safety
20:58 ā€“ Using drones at the agency for inspections
21:50 ā€“ The state funding and federal funding for Orphan Wells
23:28 ā€“ The Federal Dollars
26:14 ā€“ The oldest state well plugging program
26:56 ā€“ The service industry

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THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep 65 Chairman Christi Craddick, Railroad Commission of Texas

Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:00:00] As 2024 continues, weā€™re rolling on. Not only is it an important election year. Also, business must continue to move forward in the oil and gas industry. We talked to somebody that has firsthand experience in both of those. On this episode of The Crude Truth.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:01:31] Well, thank you again for tuning in to another episode of The Crude Truth. Weā€™re down here in our Austin studio today, and I am just so excited because as we kick off in my teaser, there it is now. Campaign season, 2024. We have huge elections, not only in November, but also coming up here in March with the primaries and picking those individuals that we really see taking us past November and into 2025. And for the next 4 or 6 years, in our industry, the oil and gas, the railroad Commission is, you know, their gospel. What they say goes as an operator, I know I have to follow those rules. You know, my I cross my Tā€™s. But getting into that also, thereā€™s so many things going on from the liquid natural gas, reduction that the president has just done also to carbon capture and carbon credits. So today I brought on the lady, the myth, the legend. Railroad commissioner. Christi Craddick, Christi, how are you?

Christi CraddickĀ [00:02:33] Well, thanks for having me. Itā€™s nice to be back. And I love your Austin studio. Itā€™s fabulous.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:02:39] Well, thank you so much. And, you know, technically, we can actually have the shot. See also building for me. I didnā€™t realize that. Thatā€™s. So. We wonā€™t say which one it is, just in case, but.

Christi CraddickĀ [00:02:48] Well, youā€™re welcome to show up anytime.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:02:52] Thank you so much. And. Yes. No, the moment we had the opportunity to have this, office here. Studio, I was like, I have to get you on it. Itā€™s been about a year now since I actually had. You want to think? Last time you were on, you were, in Dallas worth. So we were there in our four studios. But now itā€™s itā€™s election season now. You know, youā€™ve got that going on, but also, youā€™re fighting for us while youā€™re real rerunning. You know, I want to dive right into the LNG, basically the reductions that President Biden did. And and what are you guys doing to fight that? Right?

Christi CraddickĀ [00:03:23] You know, LNG has been really important to this country and not just this country, but the world. Quite frankly, we are shipping natural gas all over the world. And if you look at where Ukraine, whatā€™s going on in Ukraine and whatā€™s going on in Europe, our LNG is keeping Europe warm right now. So youā€™ve got an administration who clearly doesnā€™t get it again. Here is the Biden administration who doesnā€™t understand how important not just Texas, but U.S. energy is to the rest of the world. And they have decided to limit LNG and relook at what theyā€™re going to do and permitting. Look, consistency in regulation, consistency in permitting is one of the reasons why Texas is leading the country. This is a national security issue, and it has to do with our friends as well. They donā€™t get it. And thatā€™s a real problem, I think, for the world.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:04:14] You know, you mentioned there that itā€™s a national security issue and it really is, you know, for individuals out there, you know, letā€™s talk about that a diamond because this is a big deal. Before I, before I have you answer that question that, you know, not only did they cut the jobs, but weā€™re now hurting people across the world like you just said. So, you know, can we dive into the national security issues?

Christi CraddickĀ [00:04:35] Sure. When you look at LNG. Remember, the first unfortunately came out of Louisiana with the first crew or LNG. Shipment that went across the world, went to Poland. No, just go look at the geography of where Poland is today. It came out of Louisiana. We have three LNG terminals today in Texas. One of em weā€™re trying is trying to get another permit so that before. And another oneā€™s trying to expand their footprint. So weā€™ve got two in permitting process right now. And now you change the rules in the middle. So youā€™ve got dollars that have been spent, permits that people are trying to go get. And those are real jobs, not just for this state but across the world, because Germany needs our gas. So does everybody. So does, frankly, Japan and South Korea. So it is a national security issue because it isnā€™t just our natural gas going. People need it across the world. So now youā€™ve got Venezuela. Now as a player, youā€™ve allowed Iran to have their footprint back in and look at what theyā€™ve just done this week with our friends. Well, you know, as weā€™re sitting, weā€™ve got service members that have just died in Jordan. The Iranians are behind 90% of whatā€™s going on in the Middle East right now. These are not friendly people. So the U.S., well, we donā€™t lead. The the world starts having real problems, and thatā€™s worse.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:05:59] You know, what is the thinking behind. Thereā€™s so much going on in Texas right now that isnā€™t involved in oil and gas. Is that part of the reason why this administration is because weā€™re the weā€™re the Saudi Arabia of natural gas here in Texas. So why go after what, a third of our economy? You know.

Christi CraddickĀ [00:06:19] I think that part of it is he doesnā€™t like Texas. And this administration definitely doesnā€™t like oil and gas. They donā€™t like thermal power, which is crazy. Thatā€™s whatā€™s keeping us all warm and keeps the air conditioner on, too, by the way. Yeah. Itā€™s not. We have a little bit of everything in Texas. Thatā€™s not a bad thing, but the base still is coal and natural gas, and they are looking for any way to shut it down. And we are talking about jobs. We have more jobs in the state with 400,000 jobs in this state, directly and indirectly related to oil and gas. Thatā€™s important. But when you look at the last Great Recession and weā€™re teetering on one, weā€™ll see. But the job creation today is coming from the energy sector again. Do they not like energy? Thatā€™s what Iā€™d like to know. Do they not want to create jobs and give people real opportunity if they donā€™t, which is what I think the signal is from this administration, itā€™s time for them to lead.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:07:12] Well, he absolutely on that one. Thatā€™s all my own personal. Yes. No, I think we do need a more, pro economy, administration. You know, thatā€™s actually creating jobs and you know, so I agree. The other thing thatā€™s really big right now is carbon capture and carbon credits. And, you know, you guys, we obviously have, you know, millions of dollars from the state that weā€™re now using for orphan oil. So we can go into that. But we also have federal dollars and this carbon capture, carbon credit, you know, whatā€™s going on there.

Christi CraddickĀ [00:07:43] So let me start with carbon capture carbon credit because itā€™s a little bit different than our abandoned orphan well program first. So foremost when you look at carbon capture and carbon credit, which are two different things by the way. And Iā€™ll go back to carbon credits some. Thatā€™s Arctic carbon capture first. Weā€™re not new to this in Texas. Weā€™ve been doing capturing carbon and putting it for enhanced oil recovery. Putting it back in oil fields for 20 years. So weā€™re not new. Weā€™ve had it as an agency in our regulatory world for 20 plus years. And itā€™s a good way. Instead of using water, weā€™re using CO2 that we put back into old oil fields and try to get more natural gas specifically, but more oil also out of those fields. And itā€™s current, we call it CO2 flood. So you put you pump it back down the ground in it. It brings more. It gets more oil and gas loose. Great. Thatā€™s a great use of the technology in Texas has been doing it. Weā€™ve been leading for a long time. We think thatā€™s important. To that end, the legislature last session decided that we ought to be get primacy because we also are talking about capturing CO2. Whether you believe it or not, itā€™s a job. Opportunity is the way we look at it. And so the legislature said to us, as an agency, you need to go get primacy for what we call class six wells. EPA calls class six wells that you inject carbon for permanency. Weā€™ve we are application sitting in front of EPA. Three states have gotten primacy. So North Dakota and Wyoming were first. Louisiana just got primacy right at the end of 2023. We would have liked to have been in front of them, but we hope weā€™re right behind them. Yeah, in our application sitting up there. So we hope EPA Texas takes our application, is very serious about it and gives us an opportunity. And what primacy would do instead of waiting 2 to 3 years for an EPA permit and come to the Railroad Commission, get these permits and we can do it in six months. Same rules and regs. You know, weā€™ve got a plan that we had to submit, but more opportunity and a faster process for companies to really go through and be able to. Make sure CO2 is not in the air if thatā€™s what you want to do. Right now Iā€™m going to go to the credit part, because part of the movement to it was in this era, Bill, what I call the Green New Deal bill. But they are a bill. The IRA bill gave companies opportunity for credit to capture CO2, but not to use it in oil fields again. So they get no credit for carbon for putting it back in oil sales. Well, thatā€™s the one use we know that really works. So here you are with an administration and the Congress probably you didnā€™t understand, but an administration who didnā€™t give any credit for capturing carbon and putting it back in the oil sales, theyā€™ve missed a real opportunity. Weā€™d love to see that get fixed, frankly.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:10:48] How do you think we should like what do we like? Do we just need to, you know, call our local congressmen and.

Christi CraddickĀ [00:10:53] Try and go back to the congressmen and saying, look, we we get you want to capture CO2? Thatā€™s if thatā€™s your intent, fine. But the only thing we really are doing a lot of it when doing something with CO2, instead of just putting it underground for all eternity, which I think we can all argue doesnā€™t make a lot of sense. Well, letā€™s use it for something good, and letā€™s use it for CO2 enhanced oil recovery in the oil fields. And give us credit. Give us the tax credit like youā€™re doing for other things for.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:11:24] You know, Christi with, with with that being the, you know, with what you just said about how Congress didnā€™t understand we have an administration. Thatā€™s a perfect way segue for me to lead into whatā€™s next is that we donā€™t have people making decisions for the oil and gas industry that. No, the oil and gas industry. And that scares me on, you know, so many levels that, you know, thatā€™d be like having somebody be a judge that was not a lawyer or somebody that understood that. And itā€™s hurting not only the jobs, but it hurts our economy. And that actually now brings me back to what weā€™re I remember now with the LNG is this administration got real quiet with oil and gas, shut it down once the inflation. And they got real quiet because oil and gas is going to help bring down that inflation that we had. And now all of a sudden, I do find it interesting that he. Basically, heā€™s now got a full blown war on Texas and our liquid natural gas. But getting back to people, because youā€™re running for reelection here for a third term, right? Which you may, you know, people that Iā€™ve talked to, you know, and Iā€™ve told you and I told you people the same things like, youā€™ve made so many positive things already. Why, in my opinion, is because youā€™re from West Texas. You know, oil and gas. Why not have somebody like you that knows these things? And so, you know, letā€™s talk about your reelection and, you know, and right now it is the primaries. We got a few other candidates. But, you know, why is it why are you rerun it?

Christi CraddickĀ [00:12:56] Well, I think one the most important agency is the Railroad commission that regulates oil and gas, and itā€™s 30% of our stateā€™s economy as well as oil and gas. So you need somebody who knows what. Well, and gas is first and foremost, not just that youā€™re filling up at the pump, but understands how itā€™s produced, what it does for our economy, the jobs it creates and understands the rules and regulations and is trying to look at not just having consistent and good rules and regulations, but allowing that new technology that is being done in Texas every single day to allow it to continue to move forward. And frankly, weā€™ve become a lot more transparent as an agency. Youā€™ve heard me talk about the fact that weā€™re in the middle of an upgrade. Weā€™ve got probably three more years to get off of mainframe Fortran, but weā€™ve come a long way at this agency, and I think itā€™s important to have consistency. And frankly, long term weā€™re going to have to fight back, whether itā€™s the Biden administration or any other administration or Congress who doesnā€™t understand oil and gas, who need somebody whoā€™s been a proven leader to be there and have a strong voice at our agency.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:14:06] Well, the. No, Christi, you didnā€™t do it. Letā€™s, with you saying that letā€™s talk about an issue thatā€™s going on right now. Also, thatā€™s kind of making a stink in some circles, Crane County out there, which is just for for people that donā€™t know, itā€™s, a little bit west southwest of Midland. You know, thereā€™s an issue out there right now. I think there are a few wells that, may have been leaking that were orphan wells. Is that correct? Whatā€™s going on out there? And, you know, what is the commission doing to make it right?

Christi CraddickĀ [00:14:43] So, look, orphan, abandoned wells are important to us as an agency in about 20 now, coming up on 25 years ago, this industry went to the legislature and said, well, you ought to make us pay a bond. And with those dollars, weā€™re going to start plugging orphaned, abandoned wells. The the Railroad Commissionā€™s going to be the lead in that. We think thatā€™s been an important piece of what the Railroad Commission does. Itā€™s not our only job, but itā€™s an important piece. And people hear about that. Part of our job is to make sure the environment gets cleaned up, and we want to make sure we do that. Weā€™ve plugged over 19,000 abandoned wells in that 25 years. Remember industry pleads most amount. So weā€™re plugging roughly now about a thousand a year.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:15:25] Yes.

Christi CraddickĀ [00:15:26] Part of what we do is inspect those wells. And they become orphaned, abandoned after someone has gone bankrupt and walked away. Yup. They come onto our books after and we get the bones for it. So weā€™re allowed to use an insurance policy to help plug those wells as well. And the industry from fees we are taking in is paying the other part. So we are out there getting bids like everybody else is with service companies to plug wells, and we go out and inspect them and prioritize them. So if youā€™re party one, that means we think thereā€™s a leak or thereā€™s a real problem. If youā€™re a priority for you, maybe a then maybe a 50 year old, well, out there and we know itā€™s there, but if itā€™s not, weā€™re not concerned about the environment or if itā€™s not affecting somebodyā€™s property, then weā€™ll get to you. Youā€™re on our list. And today weā€™ve got roughly 8500. That number is a little bit stagnant. We plug a thousand the same. Another thousand come back home. But itā€™s been a priority for this agency to keep that number within manageable numbers. Part of what youā€™re asking about is Crane County. So we have a state plugging program. Thereā€™s also a federal one I want to go back to. I donā€™t want to talk about whatā€™s going on in Crane. So thereā€™s a lot of old stuff out in Crane. This is what the new Delaware Basin for us. But a lot of this basin wasnā€™t active or not very active like it is today for many years. And thereā€™s a lot of old stuff and I mean stuff in the 50s and 60s before you and I were everywhere else. Thatā€™s thereā€™s a lot of wells out there that have been, some have been plug, some havenā€™t built, some we are now finding werenā€™t ever registered with us. Maybe they werenā€™t supposed to be there because there was. Thatā€™s lithium and other issue, other things that people were seeing as opportunities that they didnā€™t have to come to us as an agency or the TCU or predecessor to get a permit. They were just poking the hole in ground. So we as an agency want to make sure if we see something, we want people to call us, tell us thereā€™s an issue and thatā€™s part of whatā€™s going on out in Crane. Weā€™ve had a well, a leak this in the past month or so. Yeah, as an agency, weā€™re out there. Weā€™re on the ground. Weā€™ve hired contractors to go out and plug that well, and weā€™re in process of of remediating it appropriately. I donā€™t it sometimes it doesnā€™t matter who owned it or who drill that. We just want to make sure it gets cleaned up. So that is where we are. And then thereā€™s water to be hauled off. So youā€™ll see us continue to remediate that landowner that surface owners property appropriately as well.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:17:58] Yeah. You know, the landowner may be different than a mineral. Thatā€™s right. And you know, Crane County. Well, people donā€™t know poor Crane County is like Swiss cheese. Let me throw out, because if Iā€™m correct, please correct me if Iā€™m wrong because youā€™re from there or not. From there, but from West Texas. Theyā€™ve mined for copper. Theyā€™ve mine for uranium, for lithium. I mean, Crane County was just been depleted of this natural resource. So itā€™s all not just oil and gas.

Christi CraddickĀ [00:18:24] Thereā€™s all thereā€™s some good salts out there too. So salt always makes the geologists different. And weā€™re really just having the issue, frankly, in the one county in the one area. And so weā€™re continuing to do inspections and continuing to gather data and information. So if we just make sure weā€™re resolving the issue.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:18:44] The other thing that yā€™all did that I thought was real interesting was you guys sit by the railroad commission. Yā€™all were able to get a no fly zone over this area. What? First of all, so fragile, could we get a no fly zone? But then again, Iā€™m not. But what what was that about?

Christi CraddickĀ [00:19:01] So, you know, look, there was a drone flying over the property. We didnā€™t know whose it was, and it wasnā€™t the landowner. That we were aware of. And so, you know, thatā€™s a concern. Weā€™ve got safety issues on the ground with with operators. Youā€™ve got big, big pieces of equipment. But frankly, look whatā€™s going on. Weā€™re now using drones around the world to drop bombs. There is some real issues about safety. Yeah. Whether you know what you know if you donā€™t know. So and itā€™s not the first time weā€™ve gone and asked for a no fly zone with the FAA. No, we we filed an application. They agreed with us that there were some issues and have agreed to extend it for as long as people are out there remediating. Itā€™s a safety issue for the people out there, and so we appreciate that they have to enforce it. You know, they could have said no to and Iā€™m sure they have, but wait on others. But they didnā€™t on this one and they took it very seriously. And we appreciate that the people that are sitting on that side and doing the work are really we want their safety first and we get the strong got within 20, 30ft of them that thatā€™s dangerous. That is dangerous. And not only that, look, our our job is to be transparent. And so the information weā€™re getting and that we have on that well is going to be made public. Itā€™s not that we need somebody else out there checking the landowners more than welcome to go out. Weā€™re informing them or we should be informing them as well about where we are in the process. So thatā€™s a transparency issue is not the issue. It is safety for our people.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:20:32] Safety. Are there any rules about how drones are out there like on.

Christi CraddickĀ [00:20:37] Not to my not whatever FAA rules are, the.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:20:40] Only reason I ask is up. Iā€™m thinking about like that 20 or 30ft head up, my friend. Up. When we were drilling here a couple months back. You know, it was real cool. You know, you got to see this. But the thing is, I mean, it almost takes up half its back in the stroke, right? So 20 or 30ft away, it falls on somebody thatā€™s going.

Christi CraddickĀ [00:20:56] To hurt it as well. Wait. Weā€™re using drones at the agency for inspections, particularly pipelines. We have so much pipe in the state. A lot of itā€™s in rural areas. You canā€™t walk that pipe down. And so I think youā€™re seeing other agencies and other people use drones appropriately where they where they should be used, but not just to be invasive and not you. Youā€™ve notified or you know what, youā€™re out there.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:21:20] I like that youā€™re using them for the pipelines. You know, a lot of the pumpers that are my dadā€™s aides, would tell me when I was younger, like where you go five flow line or something like that. Like, letā€™s scrub, say what you saw walking us.

Christi CraddickĀ [00:21:31] And we do a lot of that too. Thatā€™s part of it. You know, when youā€™ve got 480,000 miles of pipe in the state, itā€™s a lot of pipe. Weā€™re going to make sure it gets inspected, fortunately. But you do start walking and you want those lines then that area to be clear so you can see if thereā€™s an issue.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:21:47] You know, letā€™s, I want to circle back to the state funding and federal funding for Orphan Wells real quick. You mentioned how you know us as operators, we pay a bond, to, to operate and that moneyā€™s there obviously that. If we go like, the idea is you donā€™t get that money back if you disappear. Thatā€™s right. Okay. But also, I think a dollar from every load of oil that we produce, I think goes donated towards also the Orphan Well Fund, is that correct?

Christi CraddickĀ [00:22:17] No, thatā€™s not really true.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:22:19] No, thatā€™s not true.

Christi CraddickĀ [00:22:20] Not anymore. So we donā€™t, as an agency, get any dollars from the rainy day fund or any of the any of the funds that that you all pay into. We do have to go to the legislature and the appropriate dollars. So we get dollars one if youā€™ve got a bond, but two, we use dollars. Terminate the agency and that are appropriated from a CIP. Most of these orphan abandoned wells are 3040 years old, right before we had bones. So when I go to the legislature and they say youā€™re still plugging, this was. No, theyā€™re different wells. Weā€™re adding two because, you know, if you have dips in industry, obviously thatā€™s when you see bankruptcies. And and we acquire more wells. Thatā€™s just historic. You can look at it. But again, weā€™ve weā€™ve prioritized the last several years. And the legislature has asked for us to do so. Weā€™re glad to do that, to plug at least 1000 to 1200 wells a year. Done that for six years. And they there are dollars appropriated for us. I get some of it bonds, some of it dollars. That industry is paying for fees for us. And so weā€™ve had about $35 million a year to plug wells. Then the federal dollars, the IRA, the one, thereā€™s a plus for this bill. The Green New Deal is bad, but this we decided we would access dollars. Itā€™s your tax dollars anyway. We might as well use it for taxes. Thatā€™s the way I look at the world. So two coming up two years ago is that is the federal bill was going on. They approached they came to all states who were operators and said, how many wells do you have and what would it cost you? And at that point we had about 8500 wells, about 8000. And we and remember, we not only have wells on shore, but we have wells that glo permitted offshore in the bay. So weā€™ve got about 75 of those. Those can get real expensive. They can be $1 million a well or more. And thatā€™s kind of we we say about $1 million a well, because you got to go rebuild a platform and do things that cheaper. Itā€™s cheaper on land than it is on the, in the water. Absolutely, yeah. Generally. So we went back to the government. The federal government said we think we need $330 million to plug everything we have today. One okay. So thatā€™s been almost two years ago, coming up in April, a year ago, finally, they started doling out money. So not this last September, but the September before. We were eligible for a $25 million unrestricted that we went and gone with that, weā€™ve plugged 730 additional wells along with federal dollars. And actually our website, part of what the requirements and we didnā€™t know weā€™d just built our website to do this. If itā€™s federal dollars, well, plugging you can go track what weā€™re doing. We have it on our website that you can go look at the Railroad Commission website of what weā€™re doing with those federal dollars. Then we got to this time last year, so February of last year, and thereā€™s still a lot of money out there. And Department of Interior is was now writing rules about what you had to do to acquire your next tranche.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:25:26] And yes.

Christi CraddickĀ [00:25:28] We laughed because when California and Texas donā€™t like rules that are being written federally, you know, thereā€™s some challenges. So we made a bunch of comments, as did a lot of oil associations and oil states and LA. And so in August of this past year, about six months ago now, the Department of Interior said, these are the rules. These are the guidelines. And we kind of looked at it went, okay, so weā€™re waiting on $79 million to come this year. We hope we donā€™t. We hope weā€™ll get it in the first quarter of this year. And weā€™ll start plugging again more wells with federal dollars. That being said, our state playing program and thatā€™s part of the requirement. You have to have a state plugging program where the most active and most in actually the oldest state well plugging program in in the country, so that weā€™ll have both programs going, that $25 million had to be spent in one year. The 79 we have a few years, and then weā€™ll go back and ask for the next tranche of money. So this is an ongoing program.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:26:30] You know, let me ask you, this are the way yā€™all are disbursing the federal funds a lot.

Christi CraddickĀ [00:26:34] Like very similar things. First. Yes. So weā€™ve got state weā€™ve got manage contracts. Weā€™ve got people that are eligible to apply to apply to plug our wells. A lot of again, industries using the same folks, you know. And so weā€™re competing with, with people and, and personnel is a real challenge in the service industry today. So making sure weā€™ve got enough people out there. But yes, weā€™re plugging. Well, it weā€™re trying to do or theyā€™re more regionalized unless youā€™ve got an you know, one. Well that really is a problem weā€™re kind of doing or in areas instead of one it three over here and four over here. Weā€™re trying to manage that there or together. Itā€™s more cost effective for everybody.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:27:17] Absolutely. Travel alone. Thatā€™s right. Random question when it comes to those dollars, are you all looking at companies that are what what is it, you know, the minorities or the women owned?

Christi CraddickĀ [00:27:27] Thatā€™s part of the challenge. We do look for hub companies. Thatā€™s always important for this agency at all levels, not just, well, plugging, but weā€™re always looking for how companies. Thatā€™s one of the priorities. And the legislatures asked to prioritize. But weā€™re happy to do that. We would love to get people of all anybody who wants to come play well with us. But thereā€™s not historically not been as, a lot of hub companies interested in this sector. So weā€™re glad to see more, get involved and see opportunities to employ more people.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:28:01] Oh, you guys are just up to so much right now. Itā€™s not even funny. And, on a random note, correct me if Iā€™m wrong on this, other oil and gas companies, all those orphan wells so they can actually, if they see a field and theyā€™re like, hey, thatā€™s a good field. They could actually go to the railroad commission and purchase those orphan.

Christi CraddickĀ [00:28:19] Well so they can come acquire them. Well, yeah. And and weā€™ve got a process for people to do that. Some companies have done that. And weā€™re seeing some shallow wells that, say a bigger companies coming in because it could be affecting what they want to do with their horizontal wells. And so theyā€™ll come in and, and acquire some old wells and plug them, and they, you know, they, they donā€™t get any credit, so to speak, but but it itā€™s a better program to make sure weā€™re not having any issues in those fields where they want to continue to drill.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:28:50] You know, Iā€™ve never really kind of thought about it, but it makes total sense that you said, hey, a lot of these wells that are that are orphan wells are 50 and six years old. And the rules werenā€™t the same. And I mean, you I mean, Iā€™ve heard stories, you know, about being a part of up in North Texas where somebody might drill. And if they didnā€™t do that, just kind of pick up and go, you know, this is really.

Christi CraddickĀ [00:29:12] Like very little in West Texas as well. Yeah. So thatā€™s every nowā€™s part of the issue. And now you canā€™t do that anymore. No. Couldnā€™t do that for the last 3040 years. But but older stuff thatā€™s something. So we kind of we know where things are we hope. And weā€™ve updated our map. In fact, when I first got to the agency, we were taking four different hard copy maps and merging them into an electronic map. So we know thereā€™s some areas and we I still get phone calls periodically in certain areas. From there is said youā€™ve got that well marked wrong. Okay. Tell us we want to make deals. But we think we know where most, most of em are. But thereā€™s always something that pops up that weā€™re. But the landowner usually knows. And thatā€™s what we at. We encourage people to send us an email or pick up the phone and call us, or weā€™ll have somebody come out and inspect it. Weā€™ve got an.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:30:03] Issue. Well, Christi, for those out there that are, that are looking for you to continue to lead, you know, how can people find you and donate to to your, campaign this year?

Christi CraddickĀ [00:30:15] So thanks for asking. And thanks. So weā€™ve got a primary coming up. Yes, maā€™am. Well, itā€™s early voting starts February 20th and in primaries on March the 5th. Weā€™d love to get everybody back engaged with us. And weā€™ve got great support across the state. You can go to And weā€™ve got a website. Weā€™ve got where you can donate. But also weā€™re moving around the state. Weā€™d love to make sure people are meeting us and getting to know us and then getting out and voting is really important this cycle. We expect a lot of people to vote. And when you look at the ballot, youā€™ve got presidential, U.S. Senate, your congresswoman and me. So Iā€™m forced on the ballot. Iā€™m not hard to find, but Iā€™m the only girl statewide on the ballot this cycle. And itā€™s been six years since people have had to vote on me. Weā€™ve got a lot of new people. Yeah, and reminding people with the Railroad Commission does is part of our goal and how important this agency is. And we need qualified people sitting here.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:31:11] Yes, maā€™am. But that I agree with, I, I think sometimes if you looked at resumes, yours is definitely one it actually is an exception because your resume fits your role within the government. And like, like we talked about earlier. So, Christi, I cannot thank you again for your time today. And again, if anybody out there, you know would like to donate, you know, Christi at, and weā€™ll see you again here on another episode of the Crude Truth.

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THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 66. Bill Burch ā€“ Candidate for Railroad Commission of Texas
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