Lost sales means lost income. On this great episode of THE CRUDE TRUTH; Life Coach Kristy Kerns joins me again and we visit with Sales Coach extraordinaire Keeley Hubbard and she dives in to tell us how not to lose those sales. Keeley shares with us the truth on how to land big-ticket sales, and what the process is to be succssful in the sales game. Anyone that owns a company or is in sales, this is an episode you don’t want to miss. Connect with either of these wonderful coachs below.
Highlights of the Podcast
03:35 – Keeley Hubbard’s Background
05:01 – The Commission Checks
06:56 – Franchise and Financial Education
08:19 – Understand the sales
12:31 – Capital Raisers
13:07 – About your high ticket sales
14:07 – Three second rule
15:58 – Huge opportunity in the State
17:19 – Financial background and experience
19:52 – What’s Happening in the Economy
Please reach out to Keeley Hubbard on Linkedin
Check out StatusJet HERE
THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 69 Sales Coach Keeley Hubbard w/ Co-Host Kristy Kerns and Rey Trevino III
Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.
Rey Treviño [00:00:00] And high ticket sales. ABCs are the most important, and any salesperson already knows that means always be closing. But is that right? Let’s talk to an expert on this episode of The Crude Truth.
Rey Treviño [00:01:28] Well, hello again and thank you for tuning in for another episode of The Crude Truth. As we continue to power on into 2024 again, I do hope everybody is just, you know, winning and having just such an epic year so far. But sometimes we do all fall off a track, as we’re already getting into the end of the first quarter of the year and we got to get back on on track. And sometimes we think, how can we do that? Oh, let’s just get rid of it and not even focus for the rest of the year. But there’s plenty of time. And today I’ve just brought on a great guest that’s going to help all those sales individuals out there today. Just get back on track. But first, I’m also excited to say that I brought back my co-host again, life coach and entrepreneur. Kristy Kerns, Kristy, how are you?
Kristy Kerns [00:02:14] I’m amazing. How are you.
Rey Treviño [00:02:15] Doing? Great. It’s a good day. A little rainy as we shoot today, but. But but that’s okay. It’s nice and warm here in the in the Dallas studio, so we can’t complain. Kristy, thank you so much again for coming back on. And I’m just so excited about our guest. Our guest today is somebody that’s a high ticket sales, coach, high ticket entrepreneur. And, does that in a way, that’s what she is. Our guest today is Keeley Hubbard. Keeley, how are you?
Keeley Hubbard [00:02:43] I’m excited to be here. Thank you for having me.
Rey Treviño [00:02:45] We’re excited to have you. I tell you what, I’ve already learned so much this morning in our our pre meeting our our poor pre-production meeting. That edge of that isn’t funny how much I’ve already learned this morning. So so thank you. Thank you so much. I had an opportunity. I haven’t met them yet, but I saw you on somebody else’s podcast a couple months ago. And you were talking about high ticket sales, and, you know, if I’m saying that wrong, please let me know.
Keeley Hubbard [00:03:08] Your spot on.
Rey Treviño [00:03:09] Oh. Spot on. Okay. But it’s a career for you, and you are a coach of this. And that was why I asked, you know, Kristy, come back on being a coach. I know I don’t always ask the best questions when it comes to that. Some people say I’m coachable.
Keeley Hubbard [00:03:23] But we’ll let Kristy to be the judge of that.
Rey Treviño [00:03:27] But, you know. But no, for everybody out there that’s listening or watching today, thank you all, as always. But can you tell us a little bit about you?
Keeley Hubbard [00:03:35] Absolutely. So I’ve spent my whole life in sales for at least half of it, about 18 years, and I absolutely love it. I’m one of those people that is obsessed with sales. I’m obsessed with teaching it. And my wheelhouse is really for people. When we say high ticket, that means if it requires a conversation to close a deal, that’s my jam. And most of the business owners that I work with, most salespeople that I work with don’t like the typical sales approach. Like they feel gross about it, slimy, like they’re being manipulative. And but, you know, if we’re not talking about our business, we won’t have a business. So we’ve got to get out there and we’ve got to sell. So I teach it in a way that is authentic, that makes you feel like you’re truly serving the clients that you’re working with. And I’ve got kind of a niche space within real estate raising capital. So helping people learn how to have conversations with investors where 6 to 7 figures is transacting across the table to get big real estate deals closed. So that’s one of my passion industries as well.
Rey Treviño [00:04:29] Wow, I like the way you said that. It’s like, you know, if you’re not talking about your business, I mean, like anytime you are talking about it, it is sales. You know, what made you want to get into this? You know, you say it’s your passion. Where did this come from?
Keeley Hubbard [00:04:41] I started selling when I was 16, so. And I was selling very high end swim lessons at the swim school, and I got my first taste of commission checks, and I was the top performer at the swim school, and I was training other people, like at a very young age. I’m like, wow, this is pretty cool. So what else can I. Well, that’s very expensive. Where the commission checks are bigger. And so I just built a career in financial education for a very long time. Climbed the corporate ladder there. Was very successful, took my sales process, brought it to corporate. It was a franchised organization, and we implemented it and grew the company from 40 million a year to 220 million a year run rate in about three and a half years, and did it in a way where people, still didn’t blast us on Google because we had horrible salespeople. They wrote great reviews on Google, and they really loved the experience they had, which was the most important thing to me. And I think, like most people that are in corporate for a long time, at some point you kind of get burnout. I was traveling 23 days a month and I just left. I was like, I need a I need a break, I need a reset. I’m going to start my own coaching firm. And I started that in 2017. Okay. Yeah.
Kristy Kerns [00:05:45] That’s amazing.
Rey Treviño [00:05:46] I think. So I mean, you talked about I like I said, when you were 16, you got your first commission check. Again, I’m not a salesperson. I, I can’t close to save my life and a lot of stuff. But. I always feel that a sales person can make the most money. I feel like it should be unlimited. It’s like because if they’re making money, that means the company is making money. At least that shouldn’t be. So that’s why I always think of sales. It’s something that’s amazing, and I think that skill is transferable when you can actually sell. You know, as the old cliche, you know, I used to an Eskimo. I think you’re you’re just really, really doing something there. And, the high ticket sales part of it, you know, in the one gas industry, that’s all it is inside ticket sales. So we’ve got guys that are, you know, trying to move six, seven, nine figures. And of course, you look at all the mergers and acquisitions that are going on right now in the oil and gas industry. I mean those are what what’s 1,000,000,010 figures, right? Yeah. 910. Yeah. Those are ten figure deals. Somebody is making something wrong for them. So that’s always a great thing. You know what made the high ticket sales be what it was for you?
Keeley Hubbard [00:06:54] Well, you know, my family bought a franchise and financial education, and that was really when I was thrown into what I would call high ticket, because what I was doing before that wasn’t really high ticket sales. But this was, you know, education packages that were 15 to $75,000, B2C sales. So business to client relationships, there’s a lot of money for an individual to spend or invest in their education. And this is really where I found my skill set and really honed it and developed it. And I had the luxury of, not being able to play small because it was a family business and everybody was I was the only sales rep. Everybody’s on payroll. Everybody’s depending on me to close deals, to make payroll picture. Everybody can have a good life. So I had the luxury of not being able to, like, play small. And I really had to figure it out. And that’s really where my I feel like I developed the best communication skills, the best sales skills, obviously being in the financial industry. And I went on from there to raise private capital, and now I’m at real estate and it all ties together. But that’s how it started.
Rey Treviño [00:07:53] It does. I like how you’re talking about one. It all ties together, but it’s like, you know, when you’ve got to eat, it’s amazing. You know what kind of work you can actually do, right, Kristy? I mean.
Kristy Kerns [00:08:02] So true. So true. I have a question for you. You said that you obviously teach people high tech. How do you, start your process in a sense? Do you do mindset? What if they’re not? They don’t have their network. How do you teach somebody to grow that process?
Keeley Hubbard [00:08:17] It’s great coming from a life coach. You understand the sales is I would say if you had to give it a ratio, it is 80% mindset, it is 20% mechanics. And when I was in corporate, I had teams that are about 600 sales reps, a lot of directors in there. Right. So I’m not directly managing that many people. But I knew when one of my reps was struggling, there was something going on between their years that was the issue. And if we don’t fix our belief system and what we believed to be true about ourselves, our market, the economy, our prospects that are coming through the door, it doesn’t matter what techniques, you know, it’s not it’s not going to work. So, I started a lot of my coaching sessions off. Where does anybody need a head check? And so and I have a lot I’ve created a culture with my, you know, my group coaching clients that are like, yes, I’m really struggling today. And I noticed that when they’re in the middle of something that’s high stakes, right? They’re raising 10 to $15 million of capital to get a deal across the finish line. There’s often times where they start doubting themselves. And so we have to tackle that first, which I know you understand Kristy very well.
Kristy Kerns [00:09:12] Yeah, that’s what I love, that you tap into that. It’s so important that you do that for them. Yes.
Rey Treviño [00:09:16] Wow. I’ll be the the headset minded in that as you talk about that when people are because it’s 8020 and of course is that rule. Let’s talk about rules that maybe cliches, you know, the 8020 rule, which is, you know, 20% of your, of your sales team actually does 80% of the sales. Is that is that a true cliche?
Keeley Hubbard [00:09:35] It was when I was managing sales teams. And but that doesn’t mean that you get rid of the other 80%, right? You’re going to have 20% that are your thoroughbreds, if you will. They’re going to drive the majority of the revenue. And I think we’re a lot of sales managers and business owners make a mistake because they expect all of their reps to perform at that level. So the key is making sure that your lead distribution is allocated appropriately. If you’ve got heavy hitters that are creating the majority of your business, we got to make sure that we are loading them up with leads, and we’re not wasting a lot of money and marketing cost and opportunity cost with maybe your you know what I want to call em B and C team players, but your sales reps are not closing a time.
Rey Treviño [00:10:13] Right. And then, the one I led with there in my teaser this morning was, ABC’s always be closing. You know, I think it was that, you know, I think of all the salesmen with the one with Alec Baldwin, the one with, I mean, even The Wolf of Wall Street. And it’s like, you know, you always, always be closing, you know? Is that true?
Keeley Hubbard [00:10:32] This is going to be counterintuitive to probably what most people have heard. I would say a big fat no, because what it does is it like creates this environment. It gives fuel to the sales reps in the worst way possible, where they’re out there like wheeling and dealing and being salesy. And people hate that. Like people cannot stand salespeople, like we have such a bad reputation. So I don’t like they’ll always be closing. My whole theory on closing is it’s not my job to convince justify, persuade any. Into making a decision. I will guide them, but I’m going to let them close themselves. And so the close happens organically because of the process that was in place. And most people don’t have a sales process, which is why they struggle. They pitch and they push. Yes, that’s their strategy.
Kristy Kerns [00:11:14] Exactly.
Rey Treviño [00:11:14] They pitch and they push. So I guess that is one recommendation is a creative process. And that’s something that you probably help out with. Yes. You know, another question I wanted to talk about is, you know, here we are now, we’re already into the New year. And all salespeople, you know, have this goal and they want to go with it. And then probably by the end of the month, you know, by the end of the first quarter, they’re they’re just they’re like, oh, my God, I didn’t do it. That means I can do it for the rest of the year, you know? Is that true? Meaning they turn it around. And if so, can you give some advice on how they can?
Keeley Hubbard [00:11:48] They absolutely can turn it around. And, Kristy, I already know that you being a life coach and a performance, could you understand this? But it’s one of my own. Coaches said they don’t serve champagne at pity parties, so don’t stay too long. And I’m always like, you know, you can throw a fit. You may have a bad day, a bad, you know, week, but don’t let it turn into a bad quarter. And when we internalize the failures and our roles that we play in life, one of our roles is being a sales rep or a business owner. And if we internalize a failure in our role into I’m a failure, that’s where we start spiraling. And so the key is keeping those two separate, what you believe to be true about yourself and the roles that you play in your life. And so something that I tell a lot of my, guess I call them capital raisers is the the belief that I’m a fourth quarter champion. It doesn’t matter what the scoreboard looks like, I always find a way to win. And when you believe that about yourself, you follow through with the actions that are required to always win.
Kristy Kerns [00:12:45] Even a failure is a win. Yes. So so true. I love that. That is amazing.
Rey Treviño [00:12:51] Wait. No. I feel like I’m just getting hammered right now. You know, like I said, I’m no good at sales. Like, let’s do it. You know, unfortunately, here I am with with you two lovely ladies in April. All I can think about is, like, Roger Staubach back in the day and was always coming back from fourth quarters. When you talk about your high ticket sales, individuals, the ones that you see that are just, exceeding expectations, what is it about some of those individuals that, that they’re doing also that, that elbow.
Keeley Hubbard [00:13:18] A lot of it’s their mindset like we’ve talked about obviously they believe they’re winners so they keep winning. The other key thing is they execute. And what happens in a conversation is, you know, what you’re supposed to be doing. Like, you know, the questions you’re supposed to be asking. You know, the things that you’re supposed to say when the stakes are high and the sales reps that actually execute on what I’m asking them to do or the ones that succeed. And I always, I always hear they’re like, man, Kelly, I tried what you told me to do and it worked. I’m like, I know, imagine that. And I’m telling you, like, I’m teaching you through all the deals that I lost in my sales career. Don’t make the same mistakes. I promise you it works. But it’s the ones that execute even when it’s, like, uncomfortable. Like, yeah, I don’t really feel comfortable asking that question. Like, you don’t have to like it, but you got to do it at the more know. Yes. And the more they implement it, the more they’re like, wow, this stuff, it really works. So it’s execution. It’s a big piece of it.
Rey Treviño [00:14:05] Go for the no.
Kristy Kerns [00:14:06] Yes that’s true. Yeah. Three second rule and go for the no is by far has been helpful for so many people.
Rey Treviño [00:14:13] What’s the three second
Kristy Kerns [00:14:16] 123. Go. If you want to say something do it. Yeah. No I shouldn’t, because after three seconds you’re doubting yourself and you’re not going. Oh so one, two, three. You want to say something, say it. If not, you’re going to get in your head and not do it.
Rey Treviño [00:14:29] I love it, man. Look at that. I mean, this is awesome. That’s why I love doing this show. Because, sometimes I think if you do, the one, two, three can’t go wrong with just the truth. Like you need to say it or else you know what? You’re not going to do it. You are you you are in, in real estate. She is. You are as a as a joke about Roger. But words here. But you are in the high end side of those things, you know? How’s our market doing right now?
Keeley Hubbard [00:14:54] It depends on the asset class. There’s. Okay. Yeah, there. But when.
Kristy Kerns [00:14:58] I ask you, I.
Rey Treviño [00:15:00] Should put that question.
Kristy Kerns [00:15:02] Brady said go roller grenade out there.
Keeley Hubbard [00:15:05] Commercial real estate struggling primarily because of interest rates. And that’s what I’m in. We don’t struggle as much on the development side, and I’m sure you understand this too. But we’re taking, you know, raw land, building large scale, mechanized vineyards. And then our investors are sharing and profits from harvest. We are super cash heavy, so we’re not taking on a lot of debt. The debt we’re taking on is very low leverage. So we’re not really impacted by this volatile interest rate environment as much as other asset classes. There’s kind of the saying right now in commercial real estate survive till 25, but I think we’ll get some reprieve this year.
Rey Treviño [00:15:37] I’m going to go I till 25. Okay. You may have heard that one. I haven’t heard that one. I don’t know. You mentioned vineyard. So what kind of real estate are you into? Let’s talk about that.
Keeley Hubbard [00:15:49] Yeah, I love land. I’m a seven generation Texan. I’m one of those crazy Texans that loves Texas.
Rey Treviño [00:15:55] Right about here.
Keeley Hubbard [00:15:56] Yeah. And we, you know, there’s a huge opportunity in the state. Texas is a $20 billion wine industry. Most people don’t realize that. But we, we take Raleigh and we plant mechanized vineyards, which is basically how California runs their vineyards, is just Texas is 20 years behind in how they operate vineyards. And so that’s very like high cost, because they use a lot of hand labor where we can operate a 350 acre vineyard with three people and really big machines. And so nobody’s done it because it’s expensive. It’s a $9 million project. There’s no way to, like, dip your toe in the water for 300 acres. 9 million. So most Texas farmers are like, probably no. If I want to see if I can try that, if there’s no way to minimize the risk. Yeah. So we’ve, our partners have been doing this for eight years with their own vineyard, and there’s a huge supply gap is on off wine grapes, which is why we got into it. We’re like, we’re going to fill the supply. Yeah. Oh.
Kristy Kerns [00:16:44] Wow. Oh, yeah.
Rey Treviño [00:16:46] We may have to chitchat up this up there. There’s a there’s a supply, Jack. Economics 101 supply demand. That means even the crappy ones might be going up in price one day soon, and they’ll all be fancy. I don’t know what made you say to yourself a generation. So how long have you all been doing this? Exact with the wine?
Keeley Hubbard [00:17:06] Well, we got into it three years ago, but our partners are generational farmers, and they reached out to us and said, hey, can we want to fill the supply gap in Texas? But we’ve never branded anything brought in investor capital. My my father’s run six companies. They wanted his financial background and experience. And so, but we connected through a podcast in the real estate space. Oh they yeah, they were they were like, I got we got to talk to you guys. We want to partner. And that’s really where it came about. My dad was going to put vineyards on the family ranch, just like you would run cattle, you know, plants and vineyards just to help make the land payment or pay the taxes. And so they heard that and that, that literally my dad just saying that is what do you do in your free time is what created the. Phone call and then a partnership, and we’ve been doing it now for three years.
Rey Treviño [00:17:48] Well, you kind of, you know, maybe share it, but that’s kind of what I was just saying, you know, it’s like 300 acres to re carve off, maybe, and give it a go. I mean, you know, we got it to. That’s what I always he can, because, you know, one thing that I’ve read, you know, which church? You know, we’re shooting on a Monday. So I did church yesterday, and I definitely heard the word wine in the Bible once or twice. So I don’t think wine is going away anytime soon. No. And I think it’s also cool. I want to tie in, spirits real quick. That how Texas is now? Just doing so well with wine. I didn’t know that. I know we have vineyards, like here in North Texas and of course down in the, Fredericksburg area, but also in those same areas. A lot of whiskeys now. And stuff that we’re doing is because of the rocks. These they are a lot like the Tennessee and Kentucky rocks. And so we’re winning world wars. They are also now. So I thought, that’s pretty cool. I didn’t know that wine in Texas is, you know, just blown up.
Keeley Hubbard [00:18:43] And most people don’t realize it. You just because we consume all of our wine in state. So people outside of Texas I’ve never heard about I know I’m are y’all I wonder what it’s like. This is really heard about it. You know, it’s a huge opportunity.
Rey Treviño [00:19:00] I’m sorry, I love it. I mean, but. Yeah, South side of Texas, we never think about, like, we just drink our little Texas wine too much, and we got we created a $20 billion industry on it, and God bless us.
Keeley Hubbard [00:19:11] That’s that’s exactly how we feel too. Yeah I think yeah.
Rey Treviño [00:19:15] Right. Oh my gosh. So what are y’all excited about for 2024. Like here here you had the saying you know survive till 25. But but what is it that you’re telling your your, your team, you know, that you’re coaching right now or anybody that do the real estate game that, that, that you’re working with right now, what do you tell them? You know.
Keeley Hubbard [00:19:32] Now’s a great time to be, you know, gathering investor capital like there’s so much money ready to move. People are tired of not achieving their returns by having all their money in the stock market. They’re tired of the instability and the volatility. And so there’s a lot of investors that have money that are looking for trusted operators and, you know, places to put it. So it didn’t matter what’s happening in the economy. It is always a great time to grow your business. I was at a conference sales conference back in 2010, maybe. And I’ll never forget what this owner said of his business. They brought him on stage, they were interviewing him and they asked him, they’re like you. Ten Extra business in 2008. In 2009, in the midst of a recession, and they’re like, what’s your secret? And he said, I’ll summarize it in one line. I simply refused to believe we were in a recession. Exactly. And there’s so much of that that applies to what’s going on right now.
Rey Treviño [00:20:21] That is so true. You know, I never, you know, again, I enjoy talking. And I’ve told this to Kristy so many times, like hearing other people say things like, I’ve done that, but I never relate those things because I don’t, I don’t I’m not the best communicator or get, you know, out again. And so you talk about that in 2020 during the downturn in the only gas, you know, we actually tripled in size. You know, we had a lot of people that went under and the only gas and was like, hey, we’ll pick that up, we’ll pick this up. And other than, you know, shutting down an office, you know, that was it, you know, and, so, yeah, it’s like we really did our best to continue to move forward and pretend like Covid wasn’t there. Might is wearing a mask. We’re out. You know, I.
Keeley Hubbard [00:21:04] Love that you’re proof of.
Rey Treviño [00:21:05] It. Yeah. I never thought about that.
Kristy Kerns [00:21:07] Be the buffalo in the storm.
Rey Treviño [00:21:09] Yes. Have you been. That’s been a big thing lately.
Kristy Kerns [00:21:12] The big thing?
Rey Treviño [00:21:12] The the buffalo. You see, the buffalo like buffalo goes head into the storm. They like they don’t they don’t win it out or anything like that. It’s going to figure it out. And they go into.
Keeley Hubbard [00:21:21] I love that.
Kristy Kerns [00:21:22] Do You know why?
Rey Treviño [00:21:23] Because they’re Smart.
Kristy Kerns [00:21:24] No, no because if you go into that storm and not turn around, you’re going to get through it quicker. If you turn around than the storm’s going to you’re going to love that. It’s going to follow you.
Rey Treviño [00:21:33] Oh yeah. Well, yeah, I like that.
Keeley Hubbard [00:21:38] I like that. To be the buffalo.
Rey Treviño [00:21:39] I do like a good buffalo succeeded burger. They’re good things. But no they are awesome in there. But just the creature. So I’ll say that. But no, that has been something going around right now. And it makes total sense and also makes me think of that funny, goofy, country song. You know, if you’re going through, you know, keep going and, you know, get right possibly, you know, the devil might not even know you’re there. I think it’s the way it goes. Kelly, for everybody out there that that is had a great opportunity today. You know, how can they find you especially on, on the coaching side of things? Because God knows, we probably all want to be better in 2024. Excuse me, as our sales go on. So how can people find you?
Keeley Hubbard [00:22:21] Yeah, I’m the best way is my website Keeley Hubbard.com. I’m also very active on LinkedIn. So if you shoot me a message on LinkedIn, you will probably get a voice message response from me. But I would love to connect okay.
Rey Treviño [00:22:32] All right. Well again, Kelly, I cannot thank you enough for coming in. And to anybody out there that does have any other sales questions, you’ll reach out to me and I can we can pass them on to her and we can even ask them, or whatever, because God knows. We all need to be better with our communications, and it sounds like that’s really just what it is. Right, Kristy, you just being a better communicator. And I did like how she also said like, hey, you know, you don’t want to. I like to I like to report today about where you were talking about, you know, you’re not trying to close the person, like, let them do it themselves. You just want to tell them all be good and good about it. And I guess about two. Right. Do you want to share that?
Keeley Hubbard [00:23:06] Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah. Because if you don’t, they don’t trust you.
Rey Treviño [00:23:09] Yeah okay. Okay. Well that’s the Crude truth right there I mean myself. Oh well thank you again. Thank y’all both very, very much for coming on that. Thank you to all our listeners out there. And we’ll see you again on another episode of the Crude Truth.
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