THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 78 Nick Burns, CEO Petrofit

by Rey Trevino  - April 3, 2024

Nick Burns, founder of Petrofit, about maintaining health and fitness in the oil field industry. Nick shares insights on overcoming challenges and establishing healthy habits, emphasizing the importance of mindset and consistency. They also discuss Petrofitā€™s efforts to promote wellness in the industry and Nickā€™s upcoming nonprofit venture, Warrior Ranch, aimed at assisting combat PTSD veterans through structured programs and horse therapy. The episode concludes with a reminder to listeners to prioritize their health and reach out to Petrofit for support in achieving their fitness goals.

Highlights of the Podcast

06:06 ā€“ Whoā€™s Nick Burns and what is Petrofit?
08:05 ā€“ Health and wellness
10:51 ā€“ The lifestyle pieces
11:55 ā€“ Tips for the holiday
15:17 ā€“ Helping the transition veteran or the person having trouble transition
16:53 ā€“ The connection you have with an animal
18:15 ā€“ Cold therapy
19:11 ā€“ Three different perspectives
21:48 ā€“ A great example of the three Cā€™s

Please reach out to Nick Burns onĀ LinkedIn

Check outĀ StatusJet HERE

THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 78 Nick Burns, CEO Petrofit

Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.


Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:00:00] As we continue through 2024 goals that we may have started last month, we may not be hitting them anymore. But is it too late to jump back on that wagon and also out in the oil field? How hard is it to actually work out on a daily basis while out in West Texas? We talked to an expert on this episode of The Crude Truth.

NarratorĀ [00:00:20] In 1901 at Spindletop Hill near Beaumont. The future of Texas changed dramatically as, like a fountain of fortune, thousands of barrels of oil burst from the earth towards the sky. Soon, Detroit would be cranking out Model TS by the millions and America was on the move. Thanks to the black gold being produced in Texas, now, more than a century later, the vehicles are different, but nothing else has truly changed. Sure, there may be many other alternative energy sources like wind and solar and electric. But letā€™s be honest. America depends on oil and entrepreneurs. And if the USA is truly going to be independent, it has to know the crude truth.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:01:03] Nape is a proud sponsor of the Crude Truth. Be sure to register for the Nape Expo 2024 for February 7th through the ninth at the George R Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. Hurry and register today. Nape where deals happen.

NarratorĀ [00:01:19] This episode is brought to you by LFS Chemistry. Committed to being good stewards of the environment and providing the tools so you can be too. Nape Expo where deals happen. Air compressor solutions when everything is on the line, Air Compressor Solutions is the dependable choice to keep commercial business powered up. Sandstone Group, Exec Crue. Elevate your network. Elevate your knowledge. Oil and gas workers association. Pecos country operating. Fueling our future.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:01:52] Well. Good morning. Hello. Thank you, as always, for tuning in for another episode of The Crude Truth. I am here today, and Iā€™m just so excited that Iā€™ve got on a guy that everybody knows that not one person has ever said a bad thing about, at least to my face. And probably the his either, somebody thatā€™s been in the oil and gas industry for over a decade. Somebody that has also taught us how we can actually be out in West Texas and live a healthy lifestyle. I have on the man, the myth, the legend, Petrofit own Nick Burns. Nick, how are you?

Nick BurnsĀ [00:02:28] Iā€™m good man. Iā€™m glad to be here. I know weā€™ve been talking about for a while, so Iā€™m glad weā€™re here.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:02:33] Iā€™m so glad I know you and I. Iā€™ve been trying to get. Iā€™m not going to lie to everybody out there. Iā€™ve been trying to get Nick on for probably about a year and ten months, and, you were just blowing and going. I mean, you are if youā€™re not, in Houston, youā€™re in West Texas. And you are working whenever youā€™re traveling between Houston and West Texas. And of course, while youā€™re at both locations. Nick. Nick, how are you doing? And, whatā€™s going on your way? Hi.

Nick BurnsĀ [00:03:07] Yeah, man, itā€™s itā€™s always busy, but, dude, for me, if Iā€™m not busy, you know, I just. I get very bored. Just like I got to stay busy, especially because Iā€™m battle with PTSD, you know, from the military. And if Iā€™m not moving, you know, mentally, you know, Iā€™m just not there. So I got to stay busy. But honestly, man, I think a lot of people, itā€™s just people ask me, you know, how I do so much because we have our we just talk about our veteran nonprofit that weā€™re about to start Warrior Ranch. Yeah. I mean, itā€™s just time management. You know, itā€™s like I plan out my weeks on a Sunday. I gotta know what Iā€™m going to be doing, what I need to achieve, and I just start prioritizing. So.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:03:44] Man, you know, you talk about that, you know. Yeah. No, we we had a meeting here in my office about that the other day. Itā€™s like we got we need to be more efficient about scheduling. And I think itā€™s a mental thing. Because when we schedule, we actually have more free time. Yeah. For sure. And, you know, but everybody thinks, oh, Iā€™m stuck. Like, I want my freedom and I want this. And itā€™s like, well, I think making a schedule is actually being free to be more.

Nick BurnsĀ [00:04:13] Ā Yeah. Whatā€™s your point? Like, you know, we kind of hear your intro starting and stuff like that. A lot of people say they donā€™t have time, right? Right. And I tell people. You know, this is forever listening. You know, if you think you donā€™t have time, right? Itā€™s not making new time, right? Itā€™s optimizing the time that you do have. Right. So and thatā€™s what people understand is you canā€™t add time. You need to optimize the time. Right. And I think once you sit down and audit your days, which we do, a lot of people do in our group, and the first thing we do it their struggle with time management. We audit their days. You see what stays and whatā€™s goes. And youā€™ll find very quickly, man, that you get a lot of time. You just have written it down. So

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:04:53] Will you say that? And, you know, youā€™re absolutely right. Itā€™s like even if you followed, which I donā€™t think we all do. And again, youā€™re the expert. So correct me if Iā€™m wrong. Even if you follow the eight hour workday and an eight hour sleep cycle, thatā€™s eight more hours a day that you still have to be productive.

Nick BurnsĀ [00:05:10] Yeah. For sure. I mean, itā€™s youā€™d be surprised 100%. You know, Iā€™m all Iā€™m on calls all day, right? With people, with clients, with with new companies that want to come on board and veterans and you know, I just I just suck it up. And I think a lot of people this is like just man up and do it, wake up early and get it done. Right? I mean, Iā€™m up at 4 a.m. at the gym, I come back, Iā€™m ready to work by seven, right? Yep.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:05:34] So thatā€™s the way to do it. I mean, I wish I could say Iā€™m up every day at 4 a.m., but, I ainā€™t easy. No, itā€™s not easy. But I tell you this, those days that I am, I feel like I even got. Itā€™s true. I got more accomplished, you know? Oh, yeah. Do you feel like your day was actually full and productive?

Nick BurnsĀ [00:05:54] Oh, yeah. You you set the standard, right? For sure. No, but, you know.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:05:59] Letā€™s letā€™s letā€™s letā€™s dial back a little bit for the, for anybody out there that may not know you, whoā€™s Nick Burns and what is Pedrofit?

Nick BurnsĀ [00:06:10] Yeah. So Petrofit was started actually originated for buffet. And as you can see my logo there in the back. I was with Chevron and I was first was back up. Actually, I was six years active duty Army as a combat engineers. I did, route clearance operations, demolition operations overseas. So the two tours, finding IEDs. So that was no fun, but taught me some some great discipline all along the way. Got out, went to school, and then, got my education and then hit the oil field. No industry. Right. While I was working for Chevron, I was going out to the field, a lot, talking to all the field offices. While I was out there managing, saw how unhealthy the industry was, and I knew it was like that. And even if youā€™re not in oil field, youā€™re a company man or whatever it is youā€™re constantly traveling or as the client entertainment awards, the alcohol and all the events, the golf tournaments. Itā€™s just itā€™s just an unhealthy industry, right? I knew that, but once I went out to the fields, I mean, these guys were really struggling. And so people just started asking me for help. And then eventually I was like, well, Iā€™m gonna turn this into a good business model, minus Bones Fitness. And then, did really well. And, and and then, eventually did so well that I quit my job at Chevron and then went full time with, with Branch Fitness. And then we rebranded to Petrofit 2020. One, I believe in on the years or all together. And then it just exploded. And then I think, you know, weā€™re the gold standard for health and wellness for all industry now. Really. So I hope we are weā€™re getting there.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:07:41] Well, I mean, I, I donā€™t think anybody doesnā€™t know about you guys and, and letā€™s talk about that. Itā€™s like, so youā€™re you are the standard. So what are you doing with some of these companies.

Nick BurnsĀ [00:07:52] Yeah. I mean we have companies come in that, you know, weā€™ll bring on, you know, 1015 main field teams, office teams. Youā€™re trying to build camaraderie and competitiveness and grit and discipline and just be healthier teams. Right. More productive. Right. Because you changed your health and wellness. Everything changes, right? You you show the work better, more mental clarity, less brain fog. Youā€™re less sick. You know, itā€™s 275 pounds at one point, you know, before military and changed my life. Obviously now Iā€™m doing it for a living. So I mean but yeah, we bring in companies and, you know, and small teams and just trying to increase camaraderie that way. We build up, we scale up, or we have like our one on one offer. Obviously one could come in. Doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re a a while, youā€™re in oil and gas or an accountant or superintendent or, you know, a land man. And, you know, just we customize everything around the person.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:08:40] Okay. And so when you you talk about, you know, you go in and youā€™re working out, is it just with the oilfield that youā€™re doing this, or are you also going into the offices and helping them out as well and creating programs for those guys?

Nick BurnsĀ [00:08:53] Yeah. Yeah, both. You know, we you know, we donā€™t do one on one training, right? We do everything online. Right. So thatā€™s what weā€™re it helps more scale more people because I think itā€™s better for this industry because there are so on the go and itā€™s you canā€™t go to a trainer, you know, because youā€™re in the field or youā€™re traveling. And so itā€™s this modelā€™s better because we can help more people at their on their time rather than go to a trainer in your on their time. Right. Itā€™s very hard to do. So but yeah we bring in companies, you know, we depend on where theyā€™re located. But you know, weā€™ll do, some survey stuff, some, you know, but itā€™s mostly itā€™s all online for sure.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:09:30] Well, you know, I do know that online is is obviously where, thereā€™s more convenient these days. I mean, everythingā€™s now on an app for the most part, and especially when youā€™re out in the field, I mean, youā€™re out there all the time. And, you know, I remember when I was out there, I mean, obviously, especially back in the, what is it like 2000 back during the boom of the 2011, you know, right before the year? 12, 13, 14? I mean, it it it was worse out there. I mean, you know, itā€™s definitely more stringent than it is now. And, but, I mean, we were eating, you know, junk food all day during the day, you know, sodas all day. And then you had the company guys in that one, and they were just cooking up a storm. You know, they donā€™t get me wrong. I love a good steak and baked potato, but, you know, when youā€™re out there making that company money, you know, hey, youā€™re having steak and potato every night. Yeah, well, you know.

Nick BurnsĀ [00:10:23] And thatā€™s the thing, too. We talk. I mean, people are surprised. We do eat it, right? I mean, itā€™s the lifestyle. But letā€™s just give you more structure with it, right? Because suicide seems like alcohol industry. Thatā€™s also an old, a Derek and or of a feel guy, whatever it is that they canā€™t drink what they donā€™t do. Yeah, they drink like a fish. Yeah. Itā€™s like, okay, good drink. But letā€™s have these habits and these non-negotiables first. So youā€™re remaining metabolic and then go have a couple beers. Right. But we just thatā€™s the the lifestyle pieces. Soon as you take something out people will feel for it and they want to have it. Theyā€™ll binge on it. And this is that cycle of death, right? So yeah, you got to have the tacos and the barbecue that theyā€™re on site. Thatā€™s just what weā€™re on our boundaries. Right.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:11:06] Right. And people said on. You know, I got to give a shout out to my mom, actually to my brother, because heā€™s a vegetarian and he just got back from being out in the oil field for about three years. And he loved his lifestyle. I mean, he did.

Nick BurnsĀ [00:11:21] Everything in the oil field. Thatā€™s.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:11:22] Yes. And he did it. And like I was sharing with you beforehand, you know, heā€™s a heā€™s a long distance runner. So I even got a phone call one time from a buddy of mine going, I just saw your brother running on, you know, Leaf Road. This over there by Purple Gallagher. I was like, no, you did. He goes, yes. And, you know, so you said itā€™s structure and lifestyle and itā€™s, you know, I think thatā€™s key. And you know, something else I want to I want to share with everybody after that you shared, is I loved your holiday. You know, here we are. Weā€™re recording here after 2023. But one of your, tips for the holiday was, hey, youā€™re going to have tons of holiday parties to go to. Tons of good food before you go out down a poaching drink so you donā€™t eat as much at these get togethers. And I thought, thatā€™s actually very genius, because obviously if you work out, you use them as meal replacements. And this way itā€™s a way to not subdues your appetite, but, you know, a way to fill you up in a healthy way without having to eat all the good snacks. Right?

Nick BurnsĀ [00:12:22] Yeah, yeah. Itā€™s like any time you get a, you go out and for that, youā€™re taking a lunch or client out for dinner. I got can have one beer. Right. But then it turns into six and youā€™re having appetizers and all. So itā€™s itā€™s a downward spiral right. So itā€™s itā€™s more or less just come into it already satiated. Right. And already metabolically tuned. And then youā€™re not going to do that as near as much or if not all right. So itā€™s just about having a plan. You know, itā€™s itā€™s the same process we teach for a big dinner or a big party or Thanksgiving or whatever. It is a holiday. Itā€™s just, you know, get your workout in, remain metabolic, get your water, get your protein, go into it. And youā€™re just like, man, I donā€™t need it. All this stuff, right?

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:13:03] Yeah, I like that metabolically. Metabolically too. I donā€™t have to start. You know I know Iā€™m good.

Nick BurnsĀ [00:13:10] Yeah. Itā€™s tough. Yeah. Youā€™re metabolically tuned, right. Itā€™s just like. And thatā€™s the thing, man. Tell me 99.9% of people comments arenā€™t eating enough and about right. Eat too much, gain weight eating less to gain weight. So you have to find that balance right. And most people are just under eating and metabolism is just just gone.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:13:30] Yes, I know again, you know, Iā€™m not a I am definitely not a, specimen, picture of it. And so, I mean, I, sometimes I can tell I wonā€™t eat breakfast and then Iā€™ll eat a huge lunch, and then you eat a huge dinner and, so, you know, just.

Nick BurnsĀ [00:13:46] Pretty ripped everyone to watch list. Do vote for getting ripped.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:13:51] No, no, no.

Nick BurnsĀ [00:13:55] The ripped our teeth are getting.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:13:56] Maybe, maybe what we need to do is get one of those. Remember how, JP Warren and Keith Stelter years ago, like, shaved their heads for the end of the year? The. We need to find a couple guys like, who gets a rib by the end of the year, like, yeah, weā€™ll get a couple of your, guys, and weā€™ll weā€™ll raise money for them.

Nick BurnsĀ [00:14:12] Yeah. They did. You just started. There we go. There, there you go.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:14:17] Hey, Nick. Okay, you. Here you are. Youā€™ve got Petrofit. And, you briefly mentioned now that you are looking to give back you. And again, I should have highlighted in the beginning, I apologize. Thank you for your service, for defending our country and our freedoms here, to eat unhealthy or eat healthy. So thank you, for that, man. And and for your sacrifice. Now youā€™re giving back to others with the Warrior Ranch, which is a nonprofit. Letā€™s talk about that a little bit and what all youā€™re doing. Because Iā€™m really excited about this.

Nick BurnsĀ [00:14:51] So. So am I. Itā€™s going to be great, especially for West Texas, the veterans out here in West Texas anywhere. And I mean, what comes in. But the point of it is to bring combat PTSD veterans out and, you know, have a mental, recalibration. Iā€™m was right is you go from a very hostile environment, a lot of structure to civilian roads, as most people struggle with. It just stops. Right. So instead, weā€™re helping the transition veteran or the person having trouble transition, give them a very structured 21 day program and weā€™ll take them out to the ranch. So we have itā€™s 1000 acre ranch, you know, thereā€™s the homeowner with with sleeping quarters. And weā€™re going to teach them the ins and outs of working ranch. So fixing fences, working cattle, organic equestrian horse therapy as well. They get paired up with a horse. And then, you know, weā€™ll have a few. Thereā€™s almost yellow. Thereā€™s a couple, thereā€™s a TV show. Iā€™ve got the TV show name, but itā€™s like a who wants to be a cowboy or something, but like, weā€™ll teach them though the methods of that. But itā€™s, itā€™s itā€™s great. And running my courses itā€™s not easy doing that. Right. So itā€™s the grit and grind and that we want to place them, with Border Patrol or get them into the whole field. Thatā€™s a good transition, right? Wow.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:16:07] Yeah. Well, man, either. Places God knows we can use good men and women right now is at the border, in and out in the oil field. I mean, where youā€™re serving American.

Nick BurnsĀ [00:16:16] Yeah. He can be the combat vet or Green Beret out there on horseback, right in our border. Thatā€™s how to ride and become a cowboy. And they can also do that. You know, itā€™s pretty good.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:16:29] Know, you talk about the horses and thereā€™s such inlets because Iā€™m pretty sure everybody thinks, are you youā€™re not just doing riding with the horses, are you? Thereā€™s thereā€™s more to, to what I understand, thereā€™s more to being around a horse than just saddle up and going. Is that correct?

Nick BurnsĀ [00:16:47] Oh, the main question. Therapy is a real thing, right? Itā€™s itā€™s not new, but the connection you have with an animal is different. Right. And an animal that youā€™re using for work, youā€™re seeing every day. Youā€™re right. Itā€™s a connection that you build. Right. We hope to get some good sponsors and donations where we can actually the veteran comes through and they get paid with the horse and they can keep the horse if they had the means to do that. Yeah. Which would be massive because and they have their own horses, their buddies like their dog. Right. So itā€™s you know, and itā€™s that in itself is a huge mental, just re grounding for them, man. I think itā€™s they need they need something like that. And then obviously if you know, we, we have connections with the bigger ranches out here in West Texas as well. And they want to be a ranch animal place in their own, or they want to continue down the road or patrol or obviously where weā€™re at, West Texas, they get into the oil field pretty easily.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:17:40] So yeah. Lee man. Yeah, I mean, Iā€™m glad Iā€™m glad you kind of expanded on that because Iā€™ve heard that. And I just wanted everybody else out there to know that. Itā€™s like, you know, what I picture is, is that that connection is in the old Clint Eastwood John Wayne movies where you see the horse stand by him, or, you know, when heā€™s about to be hung, heā€™s like, the horse actually doesnā€™t move because, like, no, I got your back on that, you know, you know, and and plus the responsibilities donā€™t joke. You know, you got to yā€™all brush him. You gotta I mean, you know, like you said, itā€™s really like a dog. And it is that connection is great.

Nick BurnsĀ [00:18:13] And weā€™re doing other practices. Itā€™s called cold therapy. You know, mindset, whole food eating. I mean, itā€™s itā€™s a cleanse, right? Itā€™s a full cleanse. Great transition to get there to to get that grit and grind back in their life that theyā€™re missing. Right. And and itā€™s them to a role thatā€™s pretty grit and grind. Right. Old field and Border Patrol. We canā€™t get much more gritty than that.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:18:35] No, no. You know, Nick, as, as as we continue on in 2024, I want to kind of, here in my teaser, itā€™s like weā€™re now into 2024 people have, you know, probably spent the first 3 or 4 weeks of the year doing, doing whatever their workout was. And now they may have they may be on the verge of like, you know what, Iā€™m done or theyā€™ve already given up, you know, what can you say to those guys out there? Or, and women that are like, Iā€™m, you know, we can get back on the horse, so to speak, right? Nick?

Nick BurnsĀ [00:19:07] Yeah, for sure. I look at it from, from three different perspectives. One is mindset, right? I think most people come into an itā€™s an all or nothing type thing. I want to get fit. Iā€™m just Iā€™m all in. Yeah, right. It is it. This is my year. And they go theyā€™re theyā€™re super high speed and they go into it just all or nothing. And thatā€™s usually what leads to failure because theyā€™re they do too much. Right. Right. And so first out of look at that. If youā€™re in that mentality you need to take a step back right. Focus on small wins, getting motivation quickly, building discipline habits first right. Getting the wins and building and scaling on that. Right? Right. Secondly, itā€™s like I talked about it. You know my consistency looks different from your consistency. Yes. Goals different lifestyles. You know itā€™s you need to sit down like okay what am I inconsistent with. Right. And then reverse engineer it. You know, guess who who does like okay. Well how do I get more structure in my food. You know what the habits I need employ I better plan. So we just look at the big goal of losing weight, right? Yeah. If it was just a workout nutrition plan that solved all the problems. We all have six bags.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:20:13] Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Nick BurnsĀ [00:20:14] Clearly itā€™s not the case. Right? So, you got to go down to routine and lifestyle to figure out what. Thatā€™s that, right? You fix the root cause, right? Which is a lot of itā€™s mindset and lifestyle integration issues, like fad diets that are out there that donā€™t fit lifestyles and habits. But you never fix that. You know, you never going to. Keep the weight off, right? Like the weight loss is, the Lord is reward. You fix everything else so that people need to think about.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:20:42] I love it, Nick. Weā€™ll Nick for those out there. That that again. Havenā€™t heard of you. How can they reach out to you and contact you in Petrofit?

Nick BurnsĀ [00:20:51] Yeah. You know the Iā€™m on social media. Iā€™m all over it. Are you seeing my face? A lot of there. Or you can just reach out to me. [email protected].

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:21:01] Okay. Nick@Petro fit

Nick BurnsĀ [00:21:04] Yep yep yep. Or country fit. Better

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:21:07] Petro Nick at

Nick BurnsĀ [00:21:11] Yes sir. Or does it reach out to do here? He he can get you connected.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:21:16] Definitely I can reach out. Yes I mean and you know and just on a personal note, I had such a great time hanging out with you at that, Houston, Texas game, back last month. That was such a great time. And you were just so chill. And, because we walked that whole damn arm, that whole that whole damn stadium just to our place, and youā€™re just like, oh, okay, letā€™s go over here. Letā€™s go try over here. And I mean, you just chill about it. I mean, youā€™re just, you know, you remind me as well. No, not remind me. You are, a great example of the three Cā€™s, you know, cool, calm and collected and, now, of course, you know, I havenā€™t seen you with your son, you know, after he knocked. Yeah. But no. Yeah. Not. Yeah. You know, joking, but no, I knew I just, you know, everybody out there. If you havenā€™t met Nick, it is worth a conversation and a handshake to meet him. He is definitely one of the good ones, as as people would say. Nick, I cannot thank you enough for your time today.

Nick BurnsĀ [00:22:13] I did. I love what youā€™re doing with this podcast and this industry, too. Youā€™re telling the truth, right? The crude truth is real. Now, I listen to every episode, man. You got, you know, youā€™re doing great things, man.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:22:24] Oh, thank. Thank you Nick. You know, but my goal is, of the show is just to get out there. Because the crude truth is, you can be out there for 45 days and live a healthy lifestyle. Iā€™m just like you got nobody else but yourself out there. Do it. You know thatā€™s the crude truth. Yeah.

Nick BurnsĀ [00:22:42] I love that. Thatā€™s the crude truth. Thatā€™s solely right. I mean, they they blend well together for sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Iā€™m gonna start using that.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:22:50] Nick, again, I cannot thank you enough for finally coming on, and I obviously, I, I got to get you back on. Weā€™re going to get you in-studio at some point. And, so, again, for those of you all out there that are looking to continue your success for 2024 or are looking to start that success and have that epic 2024 to that on January 1st, 2025, youā€™re like, damn, it was a good year. Reach out to Nick at Petro Fit. And to all our listeners out there, thank you. And weā€™ll see you again on another episode of the Crude Truth.

NarratorĀ [00:23:23] Again, thank you to our sponsors. LFS Chemistry, Nape Expo, Air Compressor Solutions, Exec Crue, Oil and Gas Workers Association, Pecos Country operating.

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