THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 88 Mr. Brad Svoboda, Breanna Johnson, and Kristy Kerns

by Rey Trevino  - June 15, 2024

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THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 88 Mr. Brad Svoboda, Breanna Johnson, and Kristy Kerns

Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:00:00] As we continue to produce more and more oil out of West Texas, water management becomes more and more important. We talked to an expert on this episode of The Crude Truth.

NarratorĀ [00:00:10] In 1901 at Spindletop Hill, near Beaumont. The future of Texas changed dramatically as, like a fountain of fortune, thousands of barrels of oil burst from the earth towards the sky. Soon, Detroit would be cranking out Model TS by the millions and America was on the move. Thanks to the black gold being produced in Texas now, more than a century later, the vehicles are different, but nothing else has truly changed. Sure, there may be many other alternative energy sources like wind and solar and electric. But letā€™s be honest. America depends on oil and entrepreneurs. And if the USA is truly going to be independent, it has to know the crude truth.

NarratorĀ [00:00:54] This episode is brought to you by LFS chemistry. We are committed to being good stewards of the environment. We are providing the tools so you can be too. Nape Expo where deals happen. Air compressor solutions. When everything is on the line, Air Compressor Solutions is the dependable choice to keep commercial business powered up. Sandstone Group exec crew. Elevate your network. Elevate your knowledge. Texas Star Alliance, Pecos country operating. Fueling our.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:01:27] Future. Well, hello. And as always, thank you very much for tuning in to another episode of The Crude Truth. Today weā€™re filming from our Dallas flagship studios here at the Real News Communications Studio. So thank you all very much. And as always, today Iā€™ve got my great co-host, Kristy. How are you.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:01:46] And Dan amazing today. How are you?

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:01:48] I cannot complain, itā€™s been a good day and itā€™s actually sunshine after all the weather weā€™ve had lately. And I tell you what, everything has been so busy. And with oil numbers as high as theyā€™ve been, you know, weā€™re producing record amounts of oil that we never have. I canā€™t even talk today, only down. Thatā€™s how excited I am about how much oil we produce. But also water is becoming a real big issue because weā€™re having to put the water back in the ground. And the real question is, how are we doing that, say safely? You heard about that at all?

Kristy KernsĀ [00:02:17] Not until this morning. So would you like to, like, elaborate on that a little bit with me?

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:02:21] Yeah, I know, whatā€™s been really going on is, you know, when we get done, you know, producing all, we got to put the water back in the ground. So weā€™re basically trying to find it, put it back where itā€™s coming from. However, there are so many environmentalists out there saying that itā€™s actually not that weā€™re harming the Earth and weā€™re really not. So thatā€™s why Iā€™m really excited to have on our guests today that we have, we have on today two great people that know West Texas like the back of their hands. We have on the chief operating officer of SIP, which is chemical injections partners. Brad Salvo to Brad. How are you?

Brad SvobodaĀ [00:02:51] Iā€™m doing great. Excited to be. Here.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:02:53] Oh, well, Iā€™m very excited that you are here. And then also here for her third time is Brianna Johnson, business development manager. Brianna, how are you?

Kristy KernsĀ [00:03:02] Iā€™m good. How are you?

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:03:03] Oh, doing real well. And, you know, we were joking in the pre-meeting that youā€™re actually right up there with JP, Warren and Keith Stelter to be the Five Timers club to be on the show.

Breanna JohnsonĀ [00:03:12] So do I have a trophy? Do you have it ready for me?

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:03:15] Well, we got to get to the five, but that could be that. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m excited. Whatever that happened, just go for it. I have to make that fun.

Brad SvobodaĀ [00:03:20] Sheā€™s really competitive. So.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:03:22] Yeah, I have that ready for you. Next time, Iā€™ll text.

Breanna JohnsonĀ [00:03:25] You to ask you where it.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:03:25] Is.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:03:26] Iā€™ll be like, hang out where the other two, right next to that. Hopefully Iā€™ll, Iā€™ll be by just watching each otherā€™s episode. Okay. There are number three here. Number four, you know. And but thank you guys so much for coming in. And cubicle injection partners. Brad has just been literally yā€™all have been kicking butt and taking names, as I like to say, on the produced water side. So yā€™all manage produced water and help clean it up. Is that.

Brad SvobodaĀ [00:03:51] Correct? Thatā€™s correct. Yeah. I think the produce water space, as you mentioned, itā€™s vital to the industry, to the environment. Right? Thereā€™s just a stewardship of the land, but itā€™s also the fastest growing segment within oil and gas. So when somebody drills the operator drills for oil, thereā€™s for every one barrel of oil that comes up. Thereā€™s anywhere from 3 to 10 barrels of produce water. So now what you mentioned is what do you do with this water? How do you a dispose it safely back into the ground and or coming up with recycled plans? How can we re-use this water for back into the production side of oil and gas. But then also bigger picture, you know, commercially, is there a use out there once we clean it up for ag land right. Promote for you. So, I feel that this part of the industry is just scratching the surface on to where it can go.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:04:45] Well, I mean, you know, Iā€™m glad you brought the point up for what I think you know, is easier said, for every barrel of oil produced was 3 to 5 barrels of water. And that is true. Sometimes I do joke as an operator saying we actually are a water producing company. Thatā€™s a little on the side. You canā€™t. The extra benefit of basically bringing water out of the ground. And then you, along here is also Adrianna Brown. And thank you again for coming on again. Again? We were joking for the third time. For those up there that donā€™t know you, you know, please introduce yourself.

Breanna JohnsonĀ [00:05:14] Iā€™m Brianna Johnson, and I am with currently sip work. Not currently. Iā€™m never leaving.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:05:21] Anything. Get rid of me.

Breanna JohnsonĀ [00:05:25] With CIP. I have a background in business development and sales and found myself going into the water industry about three years ago. And here I am.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:05:36] So thatā€™s. Thatā€™s it.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:05:41] Well, you know, when we talk about how important the water is, and I like how you said that. Hey, itā€™s almost becoming more about water in West Texas as well, because we are producing so much, bread. You know, if you donā€™t mind, share some of your background, because. Sure. Congratulations. Youā€™ve been highlighted in several different business magazines here lately, not only because of what youā€™ve been able to do at SIP, but because of your background. That you are almost, somebody that can just go transform transformable from one industry to another just because of what you and your skills.

Brad SvobodaĀ [00:06:13] Yeah, thatā€™s very kind of you. But, my background is after graduation, I graduated from Colorado State University, in 2001, and I joined Heritage Conoco right before the Phillips merger. And so within the first six months, we all went into a global developmental program down in Houston, where we did 12 months of almost every discipline within oil and gas. So from upstream, midstream, downstream, and then from there, a you had to pass or you have a job. And then once you passed, you could have been kicked out anywhere across the world. So I started my career in New York City on the wholesale, fuel supply, part of the industry. So I was with ConocoPhillips for about two years, and then transitioned over to Hess Oil. Has oil is the big company out of, New York City. I did home heating, commercial use and then got onto the retail side with Hess. They owned a chain of networks from Miami all the way up to New Hampshire. And then big on the fuel supply, obviously. And so that background really got me back to really formulating and building high functioning teams. And I did that, and I was with Haas for a 6 or 7 years and then transitioned to Racetrac Petroleum, which is an independent, fuel supplier, convenience store chain out of the land of Georgia and went through multiple different roles and leadership, levels with them. And, I tell you, each company was tremendous because I took it as a great learning opportunity. Right. And theyā€™re theyā€™re huge companies. And now Iā€™m with an organization that is just beginning. And I think that was one of the the positives coming over here was, a we have a tremendous, founder, Kyle Berry, that has a great reputation within the oil and gas has been very successful. And now he is onto his next venture, which is CIP. And we actually, met through mutual friends, and I was still with Racetrac. And, I say, like I say in life, that timing is everything, right? And we started talking and there was an opportunity to come in and he said, hey, itā€™s going to be much less, you know, complex and much less on the people side that youā€™re used to. But I think we have some special brewing here. Right? We got a great model. Weā€™re in a great niche of the of the industry. And now letā€™s have some fun. Letā€™s really grow this the right way. Build tremendous teams. And you know, thereā€™s a lot of things that we can do with produce water for operators helping them out. But then also we talked about environmentally making sure that weā€™re in compliance with, you know, the Railroad Commission and regulatory compliance to, dispose or recycle this water the proper way.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:08:52] Thatā€™s a lot like that.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:08:54] So how are you coaching, this team to be effective now that youā€™ve transitioned over here?

Brad SvobodaĀ [00:08:58] Yeah, I love it. I think the leadership just comes down to, you know, setting, setting the tone, the culture within the, company itself. And we do, you know, we talk about all the time, but it starts with integrity. We got to have integrity. Our guys are field based, right? We ask them to professional, go out, do their job. No oneā€™s going be watching them. Micromanage them. We have to have high character and high integrity. So thatā€™s number one. Number two, itā€™s all about team, and I donā€™t care, you know, if itā€™s Kyle Berry, our founder, myself. Brianna, you know, somebody that was hired last week. Team before individual in anything we do. So we have that team camaraderie. And then, we have to have positive, solution minded, our solution minded, mindset. So we have to go out there. Itā€™s operations, oil field. Thereā€™s things are going to come up that are challenges each and every day. You might have a game plan at the beginning of the week, and by 10 a.m. on Monday, itā€™s ruined, right? So how do you really embrace those ops? Goals and changes with a positive attitude and a solution mindset. Right. And then after that, itā€™s all about the job. Go out there and letā€™s make sure we communicate best in class, internally with each other along with our operators. And then make sure that we deliver on what we say. Letā€™s go out and provide great service and that translates to great results. So I think with that, everybody understands our culture and everybody has each otherā€™s back internally with the organization to really grow this thing. I think one of the biggest things Iā€™m Iā€™m stoked about, Iā€™m really happy about is with teams. It comes down to consistency. Iā€™ve been with companies in the past where itā€™s high turnover. Right. Oil, gas, West Texas, same thing. I came on actually two years ago today. I came on a sip and it was, it was, we we did a lot of heavy lifting early on just to formulate the culture and the teams and get ready for our growth. But in the past 16 months, we have not had one individual leave sip on the road. Thatā€™s right.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:11:01] Voluntarily. That is.

Brad SvobodaĀ [00:11:02] Anything. Now, weā€™ve had to make tough calls and we probably got rid of 10 to 12 people. But again, if theyā€™re not living up to those six things I mentioned, they donā€™t have a seat with coffee.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:11:12] Thatā€™s amazing. It says a lot about your leadership and the business for sure.

Breanna JohnsonĀ [00:11:16] And I will say, you know, Iā€™ve worked for other service companies. And I think that is huge. I mean, thereā€™s been other companies and it is always high turnover. And I think thatā€™s not not just because thatā€™s your anniversary, but he, he really has put a structure in the company and itā€™s the organization. And I feel like, all the employees, including myself, always feel very welcome to if we have an idea or, I donā€™t know, we see a problem. I feel like heā€™s very open to letting us all sit down at a table and come up with a solution together. So I think that has been a driving force to.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:11:57] Being a female in this industry. What do you think some of the barriers are being a female leader?

Breanna JohnsonĀ [00:12:04] I would say how do I say this? You know, I think, I think that itā€™s a challenge in itself, working in oil and gas. I think even though there are many females now in the industry, itā€™s itā€™s still a bit of a barrier you have to get past. But I also feel like it motivates me even more. And. Itā€™s a very inspiring that there are very few females in the industry, I feel like, but the ones that are in the industry, you know, Iā€™ve only been in it for a couple of years and seen what they have done before me. It just motivates me to keep going.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:12:42] To set the bar up higher and higher for women that want to come into it. Thatā€™s amazing.

Breanna JohnsonĀ [00:12:47] Every room needs a female, too, you know.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:12:49] We just like a lot of guys that are not gonna say that women bring different, you know, different views and everything when it comes to, you know, a manā€™s business or anything in any kind of a relationship. Women see things totally, different. We have intuition then men donā€™t understand. And it actually helps elevate the business. ItrillionEALLY does.

Breanna JohnsonĀ [00:13:09] Yeah, and we can really read people, too.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:13:10] Oh, sorry. I have a second. Yeah. Oh, like I told you, I was right. Yeah, exactly. I know I always say that I really like the truth. That thatā€™s how you come to mind, right?

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:13:24] Well, you know, as as we continue here with what yā€™all are building over there at SIP, for those out there that donā€™t truly understand what the produce water is, what is, what is it that you guys are looking forward to? Customer. And what are yā€™all doing to help out those customers in the in the oil and gas industry?

Brad SvobodaĀ [00:13:40] Sure. Iā€™ll leave it there. Iā€™ll Iā€™ll go with this. So kind of the life cycle is obviously the operator on the production side, right. Drills the oil, up comes, water with oil and a bunch of other, you know, things within the water, you know, fluids, chemical, you know, minerals. So once the midstream water operators take custody from the operator, weā€™re hand in hand with them. So we make sure that from the batteries all the way to the wood, which is the facilities where the the water is processed, cleaned up, and then goes either down hall or back to the recycle side. Weā€™re there with the whole life cycle of that, that portion. So we are aligned with our operators and midstream, customers. We understand what their concerns are, their goals are what their metrics are, and we like to think of ourselves as an extension to their team. So weā€™re right up there along with them. We have weekly meetings, you know, multiple weekly meetings at times. But, you know, we just want to be aligned. And I think it comes down to a lot of the issues are the companies or teams that are not as, impactful. It comes down to communication alignment. So it doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s internally with our team, we make sure that weā€™re buttoned up. Everybodyā€™s on the same page, and then we donā€™t stop there. We got to make sure that weā€™re aligned and on the same page with our customers.

Breanna JohnsonĀ [00:15:02] I feel like a lot of service companies with their customer. I mean, sometimes that customer doesnā€™t even know what the service company is doing behind the scenes. And just that sets us apart as well as we are just itā€™s almost like we are. I mean, we are on two different sides, but weā€™re on the same team. Like you said, itā€™s all very tangled up with each other and operations. And, Iā€™ve spoken to customers before and their issue with their service provider is, you know, I donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing out in the field. I donā€™t know what solutions are using. And I donā€™t know, thereā€™s obviously a reason why install working. But, you know, our customer comes to us and with the problem. And so everybody is just, you know, on the same drawing board basically.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:15:45] So. Well.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:15:47] You know, as weā€™re talking about the service side of things, and right now, you know, weā€™re producing more oil as weā€™re talking about the beginning than we ever have. You know, how funny is that? During this administration, Iā€™d say producing the most of, you know, every month seems to be a new record of production. That doesnā€™t mean that weā€™re drilling new wells, but that just means that the old wells are producing you, that you guys are doing your part to keep those wells going as a service company in the industry. Are yā€™all seeing a pickup in yā€™allā€™s work or yā€™all seeing it kind of stagnate right now in West Texas?

Brad SvobodaĀ [00:16:17] So I think itā€™s itā€™s a big pickup. You know, I think within CIP and probably within the industry, like I said, at the beginning, itā€™s the fastest growing segment within, oil and gas. So with that, you know, creates a lot of opportunities and a lot of business. Right.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:16:32] And, you know, also that with these opportunities right now for the business, you know, what are yā€™all doing to, you know, on the chemical side because like, the moment you hear the word cool, what are yā€™all doing? You know, all that.

Brad SvobodaĀ [00:16:45] So itā€™s great. I think thatā€™s what also separates, you know, sip. So our founder, he had, several WDS. And to Briannaā€™s point, they were getting a check, invoice at the end of the month, and it was one price they didnā€™t know. You know, how much was chemical? How much was service? If it was service, what was the scope of work, what was done? And so it was just one, one, one invoice. And what weā€™re doing and trying to change the model is really being true consultants and a service provider. And we partner with these, you know, big global whole, wholesale chemical companies. So weā€™re not the ones going out to our customer and saying, hey, itā€™s our chemical, right? Itā€™s our service. And weā€™re just going to pitch our chemical, right, right. And just say, no, we go out. And since we are, you know, disconnected from our chemical and weā€™re sourcing the best chemical, weā€™re going to get the best price and the most effective chemical, right. And each, each, customer is different. Each one is different. So with that, we rely on data that we are forward thinking. We analyze the data, and it tells us what we need to do and how to treat that facility, that pipeline, the right way with other different chemistries. So itā€™s not a all in one deal. And I think thatā€™s what really separates us is we donā€™t have skin in the game with chemical. Weā€™re going to our job is to find you the, the the customer, the best chemical, the best price. And then weā€™re going to really excel on that partnership on the service. I.

Breanna JohnsonĀ [00:18:18] I think it allows us to I mean, it does allow us to fully focus on service. I, I think that sometimes an issue in the chemical world is that service side is kind of not being paid attention to enough, and it almost leads it where the customer is having to hire somebody. Sometimes to manage your chemical program, you should have to hire a person internally to manage a chemical program that youā€™re paying for externally.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:18:45] So that makes.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:18:46] Sense. Yeah.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:18:48] Yeah.

Breanna JohnsonĀ [00:18:49] That would be like me hiring a maid to clean my house and then me and clean up.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:18:53] Yeah. What does it make sense?

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:18:57] No doubt it brand. You know, you, your knowledge and and your background is so, so extensive with what youā€™ve been doing. You know what? Other than the turnover. Because you mentioned that. Hey, the turnover is one thing that youā€™ve noticed is a difference. What is another big difference? Or really let me rephrase the question. Whatā€™s another thing that youā€™re bringing over from the big company mindset in the CIP to help streamline and keep this continue to be success?

Brad SvobodaĀ [00:19:22] Yeah, I think, starts with our team. We have an amazing team. But, you know, just like anything, theyā€™re field guys. Theyā€™re in the field. And theyā€™re great at what they do. No, I donā€™t think anybody is in, you know, fifth grade saying I want to work in the oil field, right. Like for my career. And yet great people end up there. Right? So I think my my goal, my mission is to make everybody understand that when they go out each and every day, that what they do matters, right? What they do if itā€™s, if there are drivers delivering, you know, chemical to site, you know, if itā€™s our techs going in and doing, you know, treatments on oil or tank audits that matters. So I think always reminding them and installing that why behind their job and why it matters. So it creates that sense of pride and fulfillment. Right. So we have weekly calls. We have town hall meetings. And itā€™s about them. Itā€™s, you know, hey, tell me whatā€™s going on. What obstacles do you have? Letā€™s talk through them. Letā€™s resolve them. Right. And I think what Iā€™ve heard with some other service providers and companies out there, itā€™s, you know, they pick up the phone, they hire somebody, throw them out there and do the job. Right. And I think we really create that structure and identity of who our team is and what they need to do well.

Breanna JohnsonĀ [00:20:39] And I think that, I mean, not only I will say the people that we have at SIP, the account managers, that. I mean, they are all they genuinely care about their job and they are all very passionate about it. And they they want to excel and they want to do the best they can. And I think the fact that Kip, brings us all in quarterly for town hall meetings and, you know, communication is open. I feel like it drives. It drives their motivation to want to excel as well. Because everybody is just on the same team.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:21:13] So and then, you know, when you talk about your town halls and again, I know you all are doing it as a group, but what are yā€™all doing on the public side to let them know, hey, you know, weā€™re not, you know, what are yā€™all doing on that side to help people out? Let them have more knowledge about yā€™allā€™s part of the industry.

Brad SvobodaĀ [00:21:28] Well, weā€™re doing it.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:21:29] Today, you know, so thatā€™s one thing. But I think.

Brad SvobodaĀ [00:21:32] You know, weā€™re gonna really hold that up with with her. God. And, you know, attending conferences and not only, you know, getting our name out there, but learning, right? We want to set up these conferences, and we want key takeaways that we can go back and apply internally with CIP. And then how those knowledge shares that those conference, you know, here this is what SIP is doing here. Some of our best practices. Yes, itā€™s very competitive out there. But the overall goal is, you know, how do we safely and most efficiently, you know, manage the produce water. And I think thatā€™s the overall goal. And, you know, I think just through, you know, many conferences that we attend and learn from and share, I think itā€™s a great way.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:22:07] Yeah. Brianna, I have a question in regards to women that want to get into this industry, like you said, that you know, more coming. What what could you, tell them to encourage, obviously to move forward. It is a manā€™s, you know, world in a sense, but arenā€™t coming into any advice or anything.

Breanna JohnsonĀ [00:22:22] I would say. So. I will say when I first started, I was so intimidated and so scared. My first conference I went to, I donā€™t think I left the back of the random during the panel discussions because I just felt like I really, you know, oil and gas is complicated. Thereā€™s so many moving parts. And I felt like I was I didnā€™t know really what was going on. And I think itā€™s just one of those careers. If you get a position within anywhere in oil and gas, just be just be honest. Tell people, ask people questions, tell people you donā€™t know whatā€™s going on. I feel like people appreciate the transparency. And thatā€™s the best way youā€™re going to learn. And also weā€™ve all been there like just go in there and just youā€™ll figure it out.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:23:08] So then you feel going to the conferences has definitely helped you acknowledge okay.

Breanna JohnsonĀ [00:23:12] Yeah absolutely. Okay. I made half the sum. Well probably more than half the time Iā€™m like, what are you talking about?

Kristy KernsĀ [00:23:18] But you know, I donā€™t I donā€™t I feel bad Iā€™m like, are they speaking English. Yeah okay good. Thatā€™s good to know. Yeah.

Breanna JohnsonĀ [00:23:26] But no, I definitely I mean, I just think just like anything else, just being honest and asking questions and just trying to soak it all in. And I definitely when I first started, I youtubed like, what is oil and gas from like the beginning. And I have a little notebook, basically oil and gas for dummies.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:23:45] That people reference that sometimes what when youā€™re on oil I gas. So Iā€™m like, oh, I know theyā€™re coming by car but not selling nothing. Thatā€™s all I know exactly to I need to go back. Yeah, absolutely.

Brad SvobodaĀ [00:23:57] But thatā€™s about as the end, the end of the the chain right there from.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:24:00] Yeah.

Brad SvobodaĀ [00:24:01] But I will Iā€™ll give Bri tremendous credit. She came in you know, November last year. December. Yeah. Roughly. And, you know, talking about being a woman and female into the industry. And, you know, we have we have three females. Our team. Right. We have 32 members total. But she did a tremendous job of coming in. And the first week we had this amazing project with one of our midstream customers. And it was long days, long hours. And she just said, let me get a pink, hard hat on and where do you need me? And it was awesome. She was, I mean, working 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., walking up catwalks, checking tanks, doing treatments like and you talked about immediately earning the respect of the team. Well, there you go.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:24:47] I got lazy.

Breanna JohnsonĀ [00:24:48] Yeah, yeah, it was fun. It I definitely not something I would want to do as a career, but then I was like, man, Iā€™m going to be really skinny if I keep.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:24:57] Doing it, man. Here you go. Positive outlook on it.

Breanna JohnsonĀ [00:25:00] Thatā€™s what I call my nails. But.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:25:04] Thatā€™s hilarious. What?

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:25:07] No. What would you guys have just been doing so much in West Texas and, you know, excuse me, I itā€™s just too, too much fun that you guys are having out there, and I think thatā€™s awesome. Yeah, thereā€™s nothing wrong with that, Brad. Kind of bringing it back to the environmental side, you know, again, we were kind of joking during the beginning, right before we started that West Texas, some call it like itā€™s part of the Swiss cheese. Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s so much, you know, and theyā€™re blaming the oil and gas industry then especially again for the water. What are you guys doing for that water that you all are putting back in the ground just again, you know, trying to bring people aware what what happens.

Brad SvobodaĀ [00:25:44] Yeah, 100%. And. Like you said, thereā€™s so much thereā€™s lithium, thereā€™s thereā€™s a bunch of mining there. So I honestly think the Texas Railroad Commission, thereā€™s a tremendous job of regulations. I think if you look at the industries Iā€™ve been in the past and kind of the regulatory compliance that had to be issued, you know, Iā€™m very impressed with the nature that the state of Texas and the Railroad Commission takes for oversight of doing the right thing and the regulations within our industry. So I first say that, but then it comes to under us. So weā€™re highly knowledgeable, knowledgeable about the regulatory compliance and working with our operators on what is needed from the regulatory standpoint to keep, you know, their operations up and running. And then making sure that, you know, why we are treating this water or treating it to easily flow through the pipelines and then through the system and down safely and then more efficiently, like I said, and thatā€™s where our chemical solutions come through based on the data that weā€™re seeing. But we can tailor that. So we will strip out, you know, a lot of the iron ore hs2ā€™s. Right. And then ATP bacteria that if it was not treated properly, thatā€™s running down hole and creating, you know, more pressure issues downhole. So we understand, you know, how to decrease pressure about pressure numbers and then increase in activity the right way, in the safe way. So we are always compliant with the Railroad Commission standards.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:27:09] And again you know the Railroad Commission has I agree, has done a great job there for as an operator there my best friend and the same time. Yeah. You know, because we have to follow all these rules and then not only that, just like you all are responsible as an operator, weā€™re responsible for that. And we got to make sure that you all are doing the right things. And those reports that yā€™all provide, right, you all provided to the people then, the commission and that we have to share it just because thereā€™s so much checks and balances that are in place and that with West Texas alone, you know, I do like to say that a long time ago in the oil and gas industry, West Texas, unfortunately, was a wild, wild west, literally. And now weā€™re coming back. And you said it earlier, being great stewards of this land, itā€™s like, you know, I havenā€™t met one oil and gas individual that is somebody that goes, oh, I hate the land. You know, most of us are conservationists. You know, I love to Iā€™d love to plant trees at the same time. And so we do care about Mother Earth. And so thatā€™s something I do want to say that I did like you saying that to be is like they to be good stewards of what weā€™re doing.

Brad SvobodaĀ [00:28:11] Correct? Correct. Very important. Very, very warm.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:28:15] You know, as weā€™re wrapping up in the time today, Brad, I want where can people find you guys and reach out to you? Sure.

Brad SvobodaĀ [00:28:22] So I think when you post this, Iā€™ll have all my contact information out there, but, I mean, weā€™re chemical injection partners are based out of Fort Worth, Texas. And then we have offices in West Texas. We have office in Midland, we have office in parks. And then down in the Eagle fur. We do business down there as well. And we have an office there. And weā€™re looking to expand up into, New Mexico, part of the Carlsbad area here shortly.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:28:43] Carlsbad is getting itā€™s picking up. It is especially with the way the dynamics are in New New Mexico now. Itā€™s there. I see it picking up. It just shows how important the oil and gas is to the economy of any.

Brad SvobodaĀ [00:28:56] Any state for sure. Correct?

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:28:58] Yeah. If. Bri, what about you? How can people get Ahold of you just in case?

Breanna JohnsonĀ [00:29:03] Well, Iā€™m on LinkedIn all the time. I live on there. And then Iā€™ll also add my contact information as well. Sorry.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:29:11] Yeah.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:29:12] Yeah. Chrissy. What? This is.

Kristy KernsĀ [00:29:16] It was an absolute. And I learned a lot, so thatā€™s good.

Rey TreviƱoĀ [00:29:22] Oh, good. Thatā€™s great. Well. Appreciate it. Yeah. I cannot thank you guys enough for coming out to Dallas to the flagship studio. Itā€™s beautiful. Oh. Thank you. And, you know, you guys, what yā€™all are doing again? Like I said at the beginning, yā€™all are setting. Youā€™re setting the standard. Yā€™all are setting the tone, and yā€™all are just leading by example with everything yā€™all are doing over there at Chemical Injection Partners. So thank you all very much. And again, to all our listeners out there, please be sure to connect with them and weā€™ll see you all again on another episode of The Crib Truth.

NarratorĀ [00:29:51] Again, the Crude Truth would like to thank todayā€™s sponsors LFS chemistry, Nape, XPO Air Compressor Solutions, sandstone Group, X crew, Texas Star Alliance, Pecos Country Operating and Real News Communication Network.

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