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THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 89 Kristy Kerns and Josh Morris
Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.
Rey TreviƱo [00:00:00] Strong emotional health and mental fortitude help any team strive to be the best. We talked to an expert on this episode of The Crude Truth.
Narrator [00:00:10] In 1901 at Spindletop Hill near Beaumont. The future of Texas changed dramatically as, like a fountain of fortune, thousands of barrels of oil burst from the earth towards the sky. Soon, Detroit would be cranking out Model TS by the millions, and America was on the move thanks to the black gold being produced in Texas. Now, more than a century later, the vehicles are different, but nothing else has truly changed. Sure, there may be many other alternative energy sources like wind and solar and electric. But let’s be honest, America depends on oil and entrepreneurs. And if the USA is truly going to be independent, it has to know the crude truth.
Narrator [00:00:53] This episode is brought to you by LFS chemistry, We are committed to being good stewards of the environment. We are providing the tools so you can be too. Nape Expo, where deals happen. Air Compressor Solutions, When everything is on the line, Air Compressor Solutions is the dependable choice to keep commercial business powered up. Sandstone Group. Exec Crue, Elevate your network. Elevate your knowledge. Texas Star Alliance. Pecos Country Operating, fueling our Future
Rey TreviƱo [00:01:27] Well, hello again and thank you, as always, for tuning in to another episode of The Crude Truth. We are coming to you today from our South Leg studio. So, shout out to everybody in South Lake. Hello. Hello. And, why, it’s good to see you. Haven’t seen you in a little while. And, and as always, today I’ve got my great co-host, Kristy. Kristy, how are you?
Kristy Kerns [00:01:48] I’m doing amazing. How are you.
Rey TreviƱo [00:01:49] Doing well. Staying busy. What about you?
Kristy Kerns [00:01:51] Same.
Rey TreviƱo [00:01:51] Yeah. It’s been a roller coaster.
Kristy Kerns [00:01:53] It has been.
Rey TreviƱo [00:01:54] I don’t know how you do it. Have been just moving and going. Yeah, it’s all right. I got whatever energy you got, you need. Just bottle up so.
Kristy Kerns [00:02:02] that’s what everybody said. Somebody asked me to send it over to them in England today. I’m like, here we go. It’s over there.
Rey TreviƱo [00:02:10] Well, I’m so excited because today we’ve got a guest that is just rocking and rolling in the coaching scene. You know way more about that than I do. And our guest today is somebody that is a local rockstar. Technically he’s been just blazing a trail for over 20 years. I don’t know how he’s been able to do it. Our guest today is Josh walks. Josh, how are you?
Josh Morris [00:02:34] Doing Great, great. Thank you so much for having me.
Rey TreviƱo [00:02:36] Oh, well, thank you so much. I know it was a long trek for you to come over.
Josh Morris [00:02:39] But got it right.
Rey TreviƱo [00:02:41] But no, you have been somebody in this area for really over 20 years. As I introduce you and you’ve been somebody that people, they know who you are. So thank you so much for coming on to my show. But also thank you for setting an example the way that you’ve been able to for so long. Man, I, I can’t imagine. I mean, you know, for those of y’all that don’t know Josh asking, can people, you know, learn a little bit about you?
Josh Morris [00:03:05] Yeah, sure. Yeah. I, I, I originally got my degree in film and video production. My dad is a pastor, and so he asked me to start helping him do video production for the church. And, then I guess the way, like, family business is go, you just start morphing into different things. And so then I started pastoring. My brother is a pastor. My sister and her husband planted a church in Houston. And, so I just sort of fell into pastoring and, did that for quite a few years. But my favorite part of pastoring was really being able to build connections, relationships with people, doing a lot of biblical counseling, things like that. So we would work and inner healing and different things like that. And so that was sort of always an area of interest for me. And so that that progressed into a natural progression of going into coaching after that.
Rey TreviƱo [00:03:56] Okay. And, you know, what was it about the coaching on the biblical side that really just thought it was something to really do? You know what I mean? Yeah.
Josh Morris [00:04:03] Yeah. I mean, so, you know, part of coaching and, you know, this course is it’s a little bit of an art form and you can go and you can get certified and do different things like that, which I’ve done. But it’s a little bit of an art form and it requires a lot of curiosity. And I’ve just always loved that part of it. I loved being part of the, the, the greater details of people’s lives. I love one on one ministry. So I, you know, am more known for preaching, but always from that it leads to being able to, to really get involved in the details of people’s lives. And that’s where I really thrive and what I love to do.
Rey TreviƱo [00:04:38] Okay.
Kristy Kerns [00:04:39] I heard you mention in our healing, can you tap into that a little bit?
Josh Morris [00:04:42] Yeah. So at the church, what we would do is we would basically you could come in, you could get some biblical counseling and some of that would be very practical advice and things like that. And I fully believe in counseling, go to counseling myself. And there’s a lot of value to that. But you can bring it into a biblical and church perspective as well, where a lot of times what we would do is take people to whatever traumatic events had happened in their lives and ask some curious questions around that, because oftentimes whenever we’re in those really traumatic situations, sort of the question we start to ask is, God, where were you in this? And so we sort of take them back to that moment of trauma and, and ask the Holy Spirit to really reveal to them, where was God in this? And I was just amazed because this is a pretty simple process overall. And, it just seemed like 100% of the time, as the Lord started to speak to them, they would say he was right there with me. And when we feel abandoned by him, if we really go back and we pay attention, he hurts with us whenever we do it to the least of these, we’re doing it as unto him. And so he cares deeply for the hurts, the pains that we’ve experienced, and for them to just sort of reframe where God was in those difficult times seems to be really helpful.
Kristy Kerns [00:06:01] To do technically call it like healing inner child. That’s what I call it. Yeah, obviously.
Josh Morris [00:06:06] Very much.
Kristy Kerns [00:06:06] So. And is there, ways that you go in and help them understand and get rid of that and kind of reenact that and heal them?
Josh Morris [00:06:13] Yeah. And so through the church perspective, we always had to have really clear lines between, you know, like we, a lot of people that were licensed counselors, LLCs would have to set aside because their, their training, you know, in some ways, because the state sort of controls what they’re able to do and things like that, you know? So we did not get into a very clinical or therapeutic level. So it involved a lot of prayer, a lot of really seeking God’s voice in this. And, and so it was sort of in some ways a meditative process where it’s like, let’s, let’s, allow yourself to kind of go back to that place where the pain and the trauma was experienced and get curious with it. And, and really, you know, find some healing in that. You know, studies have shown that, trauma tends to separate into different areas of our brain. Okay. And so when we can actually tell the story, which is really difficult, we often, after experiencing difficult trauma, don’t ever want to bring that up again or talk about it. And when we can tell the story and it’s told to an empathetic voice that helps us tell a better version of that story, that that brings healing to that traumatic event and sort of reintegrated into our brain. And, and obviously the effects of trauma are great. So when you can do that, without entering too much into the therapeutic space, but to allow people to be able to tell that story and create a new narrative around it.
Kristy Kerns [00:07:32] Do you also help with emotions and, letting your obviously your coaching clients know that emotions are valid, but they’re not necessarily true?
Josh Morris [00:07:40] Yeah,.
Kristy Kerns [00:07:41] Okay. And how do you attack that?
Josh Morris [00:07:42] Yeah. So, we did not deal with that in pastoral ministry as much, but I deal with it, all the time in, in coaching. So actually our specific focus is on building emotional intelligence. And so, you know, there’s been kind of a push to remove emotions from the workplace, because it allows decisions and different things like that. And so we want to just completely remove emotions. But, there’s, there’s been some studies done recently that say that actually the final word on any decision that you ever make, it passes the lastly through your emotions so you can weigh the pros and cons all you want, but the logical side of your brain and the emotional side of your brain need to be in tune with each other. Traumatic events can sort of put a wall between those two areas of our brain, but there’s just been a focus in the workplace to keep emotions out of that. And it’s sort of because we’re afraid of unregulated emotions, which isn’t good for the workplace at all. No. But emotion that you’re lacking emotional intelligence. If your emotions are unregulated, you’re also lacking it if they’re not accessible to you in any way. So we’re trying to bring those two things together.
Kristy Kerns [00:08:51] Emotional maturity basically. Okay. That’s very, very amazing.
Rey TreviƱo [00:08:55] Wow.
Kristy Kerns [00:08:55] Teaching that.
Rey TreviƱo [00:08:56] Yeah. I mean, that’s that emotional part is really interesting too, also here because I, I definitely think, okay, you know, emotion, the work, you know, but you know, you cut it, cut it off in there. So that’s really interesting and very, very positive to hear that. Hey, there’s a there’s a fine line between that and you know with your coaching. And that’s why I asked you to come on because you’ve just launched a brand new company. And I say just but in the last several months you’ve launched. Yeah, but.
Josh Morris [00:09:24] About a year and a half.
Rey TreviƱo [00:09:25] Yes. And, can you, can you talk about that? Who, who what’s the name of it and then go into that a little bit.
Josh Morris [00:09:30] Yeah, yeah. So the name is a little bit weird and it requires some explaining. So the name of the company is Tov Co. And so with my biblical background and things like that, the Hebrew word for good is tov. So the translation of Tov company is good company, basically. And, I got really interested in it because the whole goal, was that we would not be isolated as leaders, which we see often leaders get very isolated. And that’s when we start to make. Poor decision. So good company is kind of the idea I had around just bringing people together, taking away some of that isolation. And so, you know, when you read in the Hebrew Scriptures, you see the word tov all over the place, when God created the world, he called it good. He called it tov. But what I was fascinated by is I saw this word low tov, and that means not good. And so I searched for every time in the Hebrew Scriptures that low tov was used. And it was only used two times. The first one is when God tells Adam that it’s not good for him to live alone. And the second one is when Jethro tells Moses that it’s not good for him to lead alone. So the only two times that not good is used in the Hebrew Scriptures is when people are in isolation, and so that kind of pull it all together for me to be able to call it Tov co and that’s exactly what we’re trying to do, is get people back into a good community. And especially after Covid, people really lost that connection with people. And so, that’s a huge component of what we do.
Rey TreviƱo [00:10:55] Well, you know, you talk about the community, aspect of this, you know, you’re bringing business leaders together, and so are you, like going, all right, hey, you guys, you know, or girls like, you know, it’s 20, 24. Y’all are, you know, doing y’all’s thing, but, hey, this is a community. Are you are you asking them to be like, hey, you know who’s in your circle within this community?
Josh Morris [00:11:16] Yeah. So what we do is, we this it’s quite a big commitment for people that do it, but, it’s ten people at a time. So I currently have three groups that are going, and we meet once a month all day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on a Friday. And so those ten people will vary widely. And what they do from business owners, to C-suite executives to stay at home moms to retired men and women, who just want it to understand themselves better and lead their families or their businesses better. And, so ten people and they, they can maybe they know someone in the group, but hopefully not very well. I have multiple, husband and wife combinations in the group, but they can’t be in the same group. They need to be separated from that. And so that’s where we’re bringing those groups together. They meet all day. It’s a one year commitment once a month to meet all day. And, so it’s great, too, because all those people are in different industries and stages of life. And so as they speak into each other’s life, you’re really learning and growing in that area. That’s a really big component for us is I, you know, I teach some things about emotional intelligence, but a lot of it is you bring what’s heaviest on your mind, and it’s not just me that’s going to respond, it’s the other people in the group. Because often when you, when you tell someone a difficult thing that’s going on in your life, I call it they should you, you should do this or you ought to do this, you know, and they’re just trying to solve your problem for you. But that doesn’t attuned to the emotions that you’re feeling, and it’s not really not very helpful.
Kristy Kerns [00:12:49] Not at all.
Josh Morris [00:12:50] So as they respond to the other people in the group, they’re really learning to to sense and feel and connect to those emotions and to act as a container for them. And so that’s part of the program.
Kristy Kerns [00:13:01] Are you teaching basically? To me that’s communication. So if you’re telling me a story and I’m going to listen to your traumatic or whatever you’re going through, I’m going to validate you. Obviously it doesn’t have to be true to me, but I’m validating that for you. And then basically, you’re asking questions, how can you, make it better? In essence, our help with the process of healing this emotion or trauma or whatever they’re going through, are you teaching that in your group?
Josh Morris [00:13:26] Yeah. And even so, that’s a lot of the lessons will be about things like that. But then also, I’ll, I’ll help coach people. So when they respond, you know, sometimes also our temptation is we want to relate to them. So you tell your story and then they go, same thing happened to me. And they go into a ten minute dialog about their story. So I’ll help coach them on how you really just miss them. You know? I mean, they’re pouring out their heart to you and and you really just told them that I’m not very interested in what you’re saying.
Kristy Kerns [00:13:54] Exactly. Because once you once they tell the story, it’s just you have to be quiet, basically, and listen and validate them. And that makes them feel important. And that’s what actually helps them heal. The process is hear being heard. It’s people are not heard anymore. All are acknowledged or validated.
Josh Morris [00:14:09] That’s exactly.
Kristy Kerns [00:14:10] Amazing.
Josh Morris [00:14:10] Often when anybody is talking, we’re just thinking about what we’re going to say next. And then and then you could, you know, five minutes later you could say, what did they say? And I don’t know, I’ve lost it completely, you know. So listening is a huge component.
Kristy Kerns [00:14:22] Huge. And they say that wait, wait. 20s. Before you respond basically. So that gives the person a little bit more time to explain if they need to. Yes. There you go. And I like it that you’re teaching that we’re lacking that these days.
Josh Morris [00:14:35] Yes. For real. Yeah. It is. It’s a huge deficit.
Rey TreviƱo [00:14:37] It’s it’s terrible because I know my communication is not the best. And I’ve said that before and that’s Kristy Rock.
Kristy Kerns [00:14:46] Oh sorry. Sorry not sorry.
Rey TreviƱo [00:14:51] It’s not and but so I love what you’re saying because I feel like I’ve always, I’ve always thought that we play like. Saying, oh, that happened to me. It’s like I think it’d be like, oh, that happened to me too, bro. And and it’s like. So I’ve not ever really responded because like, you try to one up, it’s almost like you’re also trying to. So it’s like in those scenarios, I know I just need to be better at just listening because I won’t try to one up. People are try to share the same to say that, because also I think it’s a form of trying to in some scenarios maybe like, oh well, I did that too or something. And but that’s not really it. So it’s, it’s kind of hard I think especially for me to be there. So somebody wants to get emotional. Like I know empathy for me is, is not that bad. And, you know, so I’m trying a lot more to like, put myself in somebody’s shoes and, like, for an example, I had a buddy of mine, his dad died. I didn’t know what to do. Yeah. And I think I basically bolted. I was like, okay, I hung out with him, and then. And then I left, and. And it’s like, man, I didn’t know I. And so, you know, I was like, I did not know how to handle that. And and then it’s like, well, you know, so because I thought about I was like, I’d be a wreck, but I don’t know if I’d want to be around anybody. So those are the types of things that you’re teaching there. And then with all your you got so many different people with life lessons, I can give a different point of view from your perspective. Yeah.
Josh Morris [00:16:09] Yeah. You know, a sort of a, mental picture of what it looks like when someone’s feeling down and emotional, would be that normally I can see this person standing on two feet. I’m able to walk around to do activities and things like that. That’s how we are typically in our emotions as we’re living through our lives. But difficult things will happen. The mental image of that is that they’re sitting on the ground. And often our temptation is to say, I want to pick you up off the ground, because I really don’t feel okay unless you’re okay. And the the key to attuning to their emotions is to see that they’re in need and really sit on the ground, put your arm around them and say, I’m sitting here with you. I’m in this with you, you know? And so that’s a big part of that. And really the easiest thing to do without trying to think of, I’ve got to think of the perfect thing to say is just come to that conversation with intense curiosity. So I like to go straight to how did that make you feel? You know, if you listen to people’s language all day long, we say, I think this, I think this, I think this, but you don’t hear very often, I feel this, and we have a really difficult time explaining what it is that we’re feeling, putting a name to it. Even with our kids. We have a feelings chart because, you know, kids really haven’t developed the capacity to know exactly what it is that they’re feeling. And so we, you know, we hand them the feelings chart and say, circle the ones that you’re feeling right now. So just any kind of tool that you can get to people get people to start, identifying the feelings that they’re feeling. And when someone’s going through something difficult and you go, I’m so ill equipped to handle this, I just attack it with intense curiosity. Tell me more. How does that make you feel? What? What’s going on inside of you? You know.
Kristy Kerns [00:17:49] Because you’ll probably see the layers go down in the the wall. Go down as well. Once they start, they’re starting to be heard. It’s like a you I say go to their level and that’s what you’re doing. You’re going to their level. They’re down. And then once you start acknowledging it that layers come down and then you guys rise up together.
Josh Morris [00:18:06] Yeah. Exactly.
Kristy Kerns [00:18:06] Yeah. How is it with, men? Obviously men are, fixers and teaching that in your classes. How does that how does that kind of happen with your teaching? Because most men, not most men, are man, what you want to fix and not listen. And you, do you really tap into that as well? Because I think that’s very powerful for not only, marriages and relationships, but also a business aspect for sure.
Josh Morris [00:18:31] We, we’ve seen, we, we really some, some pick it up quicker than others and some it takes a while. But we’ve seen a lot of growth in that. Some of my clients have said, you know, people at work have told me that I’m a different person, that now, I went to from from who I was before to now being the safest person in the office for people to come talk to. And, and it’s just that, you know, we really when we’re, when we’re trying to emote and tell people what we’re going through, we really aren’t asking them for counsel or advice on how to get through. You know, oftentimes we even know the answer. It’s the emotions that we’re feeling that we’re not quite sure how to process. And so we work a lot on that. And it happens a lot because when someone shares in the group, you know, some of the guys especially will go straight to, you know, well, let’s fix that. Let’s take care of that. You know, have you talked to so-and-so or whatever? And I just get to be like, hold on, wait a second. We have not felt these feelings with them. Let’s slow down. You know, let’s be in this moment and there will come a time for that. But first, they need to know that we care about them.
Kristy Kerns [00:19:35] I have one more question, obviously, about men. Men are and, you know, biblically the leaders. And are you, also helping with that? You know, we hear the terms masculine, feminine and all that. It all means the same, basically, but helping men lead, you know, be the driver of the bus that comes to business. Not only that, families and leave a legacy for your family. Like what are you leaving a legacy for? Do you teach that? As well. And.
Josh Morris [00:19:59] Yeah, yeah. And, and really, even some of these practices really, can change that atmosphere of leadership. I had a client who had a strange relationship with his adult daughter. And through different traumatic events that had taken place over their life. There was just very little communication, if at all. And, and so when we were one of the things that we’ll do is if someone’s about to have a really difficult conversation, we will in, in some ways sort of act it out. So, you know, I have to have a difficult conversation. I’m going to sit in this chair, and then I put somebody in that chair, and your logical mind knows you’re not actually talking to that person, but your emotions don’t know that. And, so they’ll just actually have that conversation, and then we can coach them through like, yeah, actually you got really defensive there and didn’t really listen to what her needs were. You know. And that has helped immensely for guys to be able to experience their it there. Then when they go home and have that conversation with their wife or their, their kids, they’re much more prepared to be able to lead them.
Kristy Kerns [00:21:04] Yes. And that’s I did that a lot with, healing as well. Just close your eyes and imagine, you know, let’s role play in a sense as this is how it’s, you know, and then you’re teaching everything. Yeah. That’s powerful. Yeah, I love that. Yeah.
Josh Morris [00:21:18] It’s been really effective.
Kristy Kerns [00:21:19] That’s amazing.
Rey TreviƱo [00:21:20] You know, what’s, what is one of the things that you’re in, not looking for, like, real big details. But, you know, what’s one of the proudest moments you’ve had so far in this journey? Well, doing the coaching and spreading the word the way you have.
Josh Morris [00:21:33] Yeah. You know, I think the, this is I have a million amazing stories now with clients that are seeing great progress and different things. But for having just started, you know, a little over a year ago, the, the groups, they, they, they join in for a one year time. And so I stepped into this and, you know, it’s that group is about 50, 50 male and female and jumped in there and decided to do this group model because I feel like we do heal in community. I still do individual sessions with people, but I really love that aspect of the group coming together. So we just we just came to the time for the the year to end and, and 100% of them renewed to go for another year. And that’s, you know, just not very common in this. And so I think that was a really big win to show that, like, these were people who were like very resistant, you know, new. They needed to get into something and have some change. Not everyone was resistant, but quite a few of them are just like, I am terrified. I remember that first day that we got to group and they’re like, I just don’t want to do this and I don’t want to open up, and I don’t want you to see what’s going on in my life, you know? And so to get a year down the road and every single one of them go, this is my community and I want to keep going with this. That was probably that was probably the biggest win overall because lots of individual stories. But you know when ten people go, hey, I’m, I’m really I’m loving this and it’s changing my life and I want to I want to keep being a part of this, that that’s an amazing thing to feel.
Rey TreviƱo [00:23:07] That’s really cool. Congratulations on that. And are you looking to even add more groups? Are you going to try to stick with three group.
Josh Morris [00:23:14] So three here locally is kind of where we’ll always be. We’re developing one in Colorado Springs right now. So I’d like to start taking them regionally. Yeah. Because I do have clients, it’s difficult for them. I have, I have a client that flies in from Atlanta, client that flies in from San Diego for just to be in person in the groups. The probably the most difficult one is I have a client that flies in from Saint Croix. So it’s two flights and a day of traveling to get there for the group session.
Kristy Kerns [00:23:41] That’s dedication.
Rey TreviƱo [00:23:42] That’s dedication. Yeah. And it just shows how like how impact that is.
Kristy Kerns [00:23:48] Yeah, that’s very powerful. I mean, if you could just replicate yourself and put yourself in other states and countries, that would be amazing.
Rey TreviƱo [00:23:55] Yeah. You definitely. And that’s almost like like when you climb the mountain to go speak. I mean that that’s pretty crazy. That’s that’s that’s dedication and impact that humanity and.
Josh Morris [00:24:04] And it’s, you know, I, I those are absolutely I mean, not just the ones that travel but the ones that do go into it saying, I am committed to this process and dedicated to it. Yeah. And so the requirement is much greater on them to be able to, you know, plan their trip, get their flights and make make it there on time. So, they come to that group with a lot of commitment and wanting to get the most out of their investment, and that puts them in the right frame of mind to really see good results. Yeah.
Kristy Kerns [00:24:32] They’re wanting the change. And so they’re dedicated to they they significantly want to change. And then obviously you’re guiding them. So that’s powerful.
Rey TreviƱo [00:24:40] You know, as an entrepreneur because this is the, you know, you broke, you like, I’ll say it like this. You’ve broken away from the church. Yeah. You know, what is one thing that, it’s definitely different bringing an entrepreneur on your own, in this journey as well because it is a business. Correct. Right. So what is one thing about just being an entrepreneur in this, this whole level of coaching?
Josh Morris [00:25:00] Yeah. I mean, so a practical part of it is that the, the church I was working at, it’s a really large church. So, if my computer is acting up, there’s a whole IT department right there. We got a marketing department, you know. And so that’s probably been the biggest thing is, you know, starting off, I’m the marketing person on the i.t. Person, is just signed signing contracts and, sending invoices and things like that, you know, and all I really want to do is do the work with people, you know, and so that’s definitely been the hardest part, learning the tax code and how I need to structure everything and all that stuff, you know. Yeah, that’s definitely been the most difficult part. But there’s also another aspect to, after doing that for, for 20 years that, I’ve really had to, people still see me as a pastor. And, so even some people in my groups, you know, they’ll go, pastor Josh and I’m like stopping. I Have I’ve gone into something different now, you know. Yeah. And so, you know, it’s hard after that long of a period of time to really rebrand yourself for what you’re doing.
Kristy Kerns [00:26:02] Of course.
Rey TreviƱo [00:26:02] All I can think about is that silly move. Well, it’s not silly, but the movie signs were. Mel Gibson was a preacher, that he walked away, but everybody still kept coming up to him. Go ahead. Rich, I need to talk to you. Yeah, I’m not doing that. But I guess. But once you, you know, a think when when somebody wants to talk to you about God, I think you got to stop them and listen, right?
Josh Morris [00:26:22] Yeah, absolutely.
Kristy Kerns [00:26:23] Do you put your pastor hat on when they.
Rey TreviƱo [00:26:25] Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Is there a is there a pastor hat and then like, your, coaching hat? I mean, how, because in some ways I would see that a pastor is a coach. I sure for sure. Yeah. So is there is there a time for one or the other?
Josh Morris [00:26:40] Not really. I think the only time that that does take place is, you know, when I go to travel and, and preach at churches, I, I’ve got to really put that pastor hat back on, you know? Yeah. But I see my, my coaching business as still pastoring. And in some ways, I feel like I’m pastoring even more because, working for such a large church here also. But we’re running the business of the church, and you’re paying attention to your teams and leading your teams and different things like that. And, and so now it’s, you know, all my focus, is just on the clients themselves. And, so, you know, I for the, especially for the people who are in groups and then I go into businesses and do staff development training and leadership management training, things like that. But especially for the people in the groups, I really consider myself to sort of be on retainer with them. So a lot of it will be a quick call. I’m running to some meeting and I’m just not sure how to handle this, you know? And so, I, I get to just really be involved in that much detail of their lives, and I absolutely love that.
Kristy Kerns [00:27:45] Do you bring a lot of the biblical into your coaching or do you separate that?
Josh Morris [00:27:49] Yeah. So far I’ve been blessed to have, you know, yeah. When I go into businesses, I ask the business owner, what do you prefer? You know, some of most of the business owners are Christians, but maybe not, you know, trying to to bring that into staff meetings or things like that. But in the group so far, 100% of my clients have all been believers. And that’s been amazing because, in my lessons, I can show biblical examples of things, types of things.
Kristy Kerns [00:28:15] That’s awesome. And what if somebody was not a believer and they wanted to come in? Would you adjust to that or just kind of incorporate that?
Josh Morris [00:28:22] Yeah. I think more of That would be a conversation beforehand. Okay. Just so you know, even though you’re not a believer, I think there’s a ton of wisdom to be found in the Bible. You’re going to hear this quoted multiple times, and, I don’t think it should. If it’s a problem for you, you definitely don’t have to join the story. But I think even as an unbeliever, there’s a lot of wisdom that you can pull from these verses.
Kristy Kerns [00:28:42] I love that. That’s amazing. Yeah. That’s actually yeah, those are kind of saving people at the same time, I guess tapping into love it.
Rey TreviƱo [00:28:49] And then I almost feel like with you being so, you know, detailed in all these individuals lives, you really are just continuing to, like, spread the word in a positive tour. Then those guys are then, you know, that that trickle down effect where then everybody’s just continuing to grow spiritually and and God knows, I mean, literally, we need that more than ever right now. It’s crazy out there, right? I mean, yeah, that’s just something that that we’re seeing out there. And it’s almost an upside down world. So, I mean.
Josh Morris [00:29:16] once they put the effort in, they become the testament to getting, getting this kind of help. And, and that has been amazing because, I mean, I have, you know, multiple spouses that are both in groups and separate groups and that has taken place every time because they go, I thought this was just for my spouse. I thought, this is just for my husband. But once I saw the change that was happening in him, I just knew I had to be a part, you know? And. So they become little beacons of light everywhere they go. That’s showing what what the the real, benefits are of investing in yourself in this way.
Rey TreviƱo [00:29:49] Wow. That’s real cool. That’s. You know. Another thing I wanted to kind of just ask you about is, when you’re with these business leaders, are these, you know, how is everybody checking their egos at the door? What are you doing for that?
Josh Morris [00:30:03] Yeah. Yeah.
Kristy Kerns [00:30:05] That’s a good question. Those egos.
Josh Morris [00:30:12] They are there for sure. You. Know, I learned a lot. I went to a, intensive counseling retreat at a place called On Site in San Diego. And they have one. In, Nashville as well. And, so because of its proximity to Hollywood and the other and being in the music industry, when you’re there, is first name only, which, you know, when you’re in a group of ten people, obviously, we know each other’s last names and we’re all on a text thread together, kind of communicating throughout the week and different things like that. But I learned a lot about how to explain to people that, like, we want to check that at the door. And we want to be able to walk in here. This isn’t about how much you’ve accomplished, you know, how what kind of revenue your business is doing. And, and, and really be able to, to kind of illustrate how offputting and, and difficult it is to connect with people after sort of projecting that, that, that image. And so, that’s what we really want is that we’re a very mixed group of people in here. So let’s just be people that are in community together.
Rey TreviƱo [00:31:13] And we need community more, more than ever right now. I mean, well, I’m sorry, you know, I don’t think I was doing any right at all.
Josh Morris [00:31:21] Ā trying to stay on that microphone.
Rey TreviƱo [00:31:23] Everybody that’s just listening, that the producer told me to move my head when I talk on this microphone, when I’m not doing it very well. Like, I see like that guy again. But no, I mean, community is something that I think has been, kind of go up, you know, infiltrated in a negative way that it’s broken, broken up the community. And I think, you know, when you look at it, the community, if the community be strong, that kind of like with your groups, it only continues to get bigger from there. Yeah. And so then that spreads everything. And just, you know, you start with that foundation of the community and then the next level gets stronger and stronger just because our stronger community. Is that something you think? Yeah, it could work. Yeah.
Josh Morris [00:32:02] I love that. They’re they’re leaving, and going and making an impact in places. But business wise, the side benefit for me is when I first started, I was trying to market all the time and pursue leads and things like that. And, now they’re, you know, they just have people in their lives going, what’s different with you? And they get to go, well, I’m doing this thing. And then people just show up. So that’s been really nice and relieve some of the burden of trying to get your word out there and market all the time.
Kristy Kerns [00:32:28] That’s what I like to say. Be the change. Yeah. Because once you have that change, everybody’s going to ask you, what are you doing differently? What is this and what you can just share it with.
Josh Morris [00:32:36] Them that it’s exactly.
Kristy Kerns [00:32:37] Be the change.
Rey TreviƱo [00:32:38] Be the change. I like that one. Oh, that must be a coach too.
Kristy Kerns [00:32:42] Maybe.
Rey TreviƱo [00:32:45] Well, you know, how can people find you out there, Josh? Like, you know, people that want to be the change want to. Because what it sounds like is you’re taking, you know, you’re taking leaders and you’re even elevating them even higher. So how can people find you?
Josh Morris [00:32:59] Yeah. Yeah. If you’re interested in getting involved, we we do go to businesses and do leadership training, management, things like that. The groups right now here are local, but we’re expanding to regional places soon. And then our individual sessions are done on zoom, so they’re easy to book right from the website. I’ve got multiple coaches on the team, so you can pick someone that read their bio, pick someone that that suits your needs. So the easiest place to do that is So it’s Tov dot Co, and that’s our website. And there’s forums on there where you can contact us. There’s links directly to each coach where you can book sessions with them. And so that’s the best place to connect there.
Rey TreviƱo [00:33:38] And so so as you so you have like more coaches and things like that. Do they have their own groups as well or.
Josh Morris [00:33:43] Yeah, some of them are starting to get into to starting some groups. So right now they’re all just doing individual sessions. But we would love to be able to see the groups, grow. And so, the all the coaches that are with me are also a participant in one of my groups. So they’re really learning the way that I’ve structured the groups and soon will then be able to start their own.
Rey TreviƱo [00:34:04] Oh very.
Kristy Kerns [00:34:04] Amazing.
Josh Morris [00:34:06] That’s trying to replicate the model as quickly as possible.
Rey TreviƱo [00:34:10] Hey that’s very cool. Yeah. Wow. And I mean, again, it just sounds like what you’re doing is really making a change in these individuals or being that change. Because again, word of mouth is always the most powerful. And if these guys are walking around I feel like there’s something different about you. And so that’s really cool. Tov Co. Yeah.
Josh Morris [00:34:30] Tov Co
Kristy Kerns [00:34:31] I Love that.
Josh Morris [00:34:31] That’s right. Yeah. We also have, real quick.
Rey TreviƱo [00:34:34] No. No.
Josh Morris [00:34:36] Okay. We have A501 C3 that we just started recently. And. And so the website has to be different for that than our for profit business. But, that’s just And, we’re being able now to take the content and the things that we’re doing, to guys, guys and gals that are reentering into society after prison, and then, also to missionaries across the world and, single parents. And so, that’s a great way, to, to be able to take this content to some of the people that really need it the most. And, so that’s just getting going. So if you want to know more information about the, the foundation, our not for profit part of that that’s at
Rey TreviƱo [00:35:17] So like, are you all are y’all trying to get groups for, at the, at the prisons or, the people that just came out.
Josh Morris [00:35:26] Yeah. So, so since we’re, we’re, you know, I’m a part of Gateway Church and, there’s a ministry. Gateway church has prison campuses all over. I think I’m. I could be wrong. I think there’s 11, prison campuses. And so, we I partnered with a ministry called Driven Reentry. And, what they do is they’ll these the guys that they have vetted that have been a part of these campuses while they’re in prison, when they come out, they can move into a house. There’s ten guys in each house, and they’ll have a place to stay. Eventually, they get help. Starting to find a job, get their driver’s license back. Then they start paying small amounts of rent. So it’s, it’s a three phase process to get them up on their feet and reentering back into society. And, so in that sense, they’ve already been a part of the church. And, you know, when they come out and they, they enter into the house, they, they still know that there’s going to be accountability. There’s regular drug testing. You know, they’ve got to be going to their AA meetings and stay a part of the church and things like that. But it gives them an opportunity to really get their feet under them and get back into society. And, we even help some of them if they, you know, finding employment is always, you know, pretty difficult. So Scott Graham, the guy that started the ministry, he has a couple businesses so he can hire some of them, but, he’s formerly incarcerated, so he also teaches them how to start a business if they want to. So, you know, it’s difficult to find employment. So he’s like, let’s just bypass that and start a business right now.
Rey TreviƱo [00:36:54] Yeah
Kristy Kerns [00:36:55] That’s what that’s why so many people actually go back into the system as they don’t have guidance onto how do I, I, I’ve served my time now I want to rebuild and, you know, start a new life. So that’s amazing and powerful that you guys do that.
Rey TreviƱo [00:37:08] Okay. That that is cool. Yeah I mean I, I just think what everything what you’re doing out there is just spreading the word and you’re just being that positive and you’re being that change and.
Kristy Kerns [00:37:19] And, my style, my life.
Rey TreviƱo [00:37:21] Oh, yeah. I think it’s a good way Yeah, yeah. I mean, I think the, the tagline. Be the change, to put her name up a little bit, but. There you go on this episode. We have Josh, be the change
Kristy Kerns [00:37:39] It’s taking,
Rey TreviƱo [00:37:40] You Know, you are doing so many and I cannot thank you enough for coming on. And, you know, the coaching aspect has really opened up my eyes. I mean, it’s been one thing real fun. I’m trying. Because, Kristy was actually, you know, a guest on the show about about the coaching, about life coaching. And because of that, now, it’s been really fun to, not only talk to more individuals that are coaches, but also try to become up, you know, maybe, maybe, maybe learn a little bit.
Kristy Kerns [00:38:11] A product of my coaching skills.
Rey TreviƱo [00:38:13] And so, you know, so I just think it’s so cool. And I cannot thank you enough for coming on this episode. And, you know, and being here today.
Josh Morris [00:38:21] No, Thank you guys so much for having me.
Kristy Kerns [00:38:22] Yeah. This was amazing. I loved yeah, I loved hearing everything you had to say. Yeah. I’m definitely going to look at your foundations for sure.
Josh Morris [00:38:29] Thanks.
Rey TreviƱo [00:38:30] So Josh more so do you want to say anything else before you leave? Just drop us with an awesome tidbit of info.
Josh Morris [00:38:37] Be the change. Yeah.
Rey TreviƱo [00:38:41] I love it. Well, Josh, thank you so much Kristy. I’m looking forward to more. I cannot thank you enough for being here. Thank you and all our listeners and viewers out there. Thank you as always, and we’ll see you again on another episode of The Crude Truth.
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